Social Drinking Goals and find YOUR Why
Someone sent me a DM (direct message) over on Instagram;
"Dani I really want to quit but my friends are such huge drinkers and all we do on the weekend is party at home or go out to clubs and bars. I really need your help."
I sent this reply back instantly with an action plan for them to write down the reasons why they want to quit drinking alcohol and how important it was to write down their future goals.
"Example #1: My drinking goal
I will stop drinking alcohol.
My quit date is __________.
Example #2: My drinking goal
I will stop drinking on weekdays, starting as of __________.
I will limit my Saturday and Sunday drinking to no more than three drinks per day or five drinks per weekend.
After three months, I will cut back my weekend drinking even more to a maximum of two drinks per day and three drinks per weekend.
Basically we need to find our reason behind why we drink, what is making that drink so special and how is it benefiting us in the long run. I know for me all I was creating was a terrible role model for my children (I truly believe no children should be in the presence of alcohol but that's another D&M topic) and what I loathed the most was how I was being fit and healthy all week only to sabotage my weekends and feel awful recovering from a hang over for 2-3 days.
So no more for me and I hope you too can join me and share with me your days on whatever social media platform you are on and tag me #danidetoxdecember.
Any other questions or for more one-on-one support with me join us over at my Dani & Co. Facebook page or Instagram.
See you soon my sober friend.