Colourful Crunchy Christmas Salad
This salad just made me think of Christmas, the lovely lush green colours of the spinach, avocado and parsely, the pop in colour with the red cherry tomatoes and crunch of pistachio nuts.
That's all the had in the pantry and fridge to whip up this delicious little feast for me during my lunch break.
I hope you get creative and whip up special salads for yourself too!
Colourful Crunchy Christmas Salad
Serves 1
1 punnet of cherry tomatoes
1 cup of spinach
1/2 avocado
1tsp Black sesame seeds
1 sprig of parsely
Salt and pepper
1tbs Olive oil (I used Cobram Estate infused meal starters Chilli and Corriander)
1/2 lemon or any type of vinegar you prefer (apple cider, balsamic etc...)
Wash spinach and cut cherry tomatoes, place in a bowl. Smash or cut up avocado, sprinkle sesame seeds, add parsley, salt and pepper and squeeze of lemon.
That's it! Keep it simple sweetie! It has been 18 days since I had my last alcoholic drink and if you too want to join me sober this festive season, register today #danidetoxdecember challenge.
Awesome prizes to giveaway from my friends at Remedy Drinks with their case of kombucha and a $50 gift voucher from Brasilfit Australia every week to 2 or 1 lucky winner as a bundle each week.
"drinking isn't rebellious,
not drinking is rebellious."