Yummy turkey burgers
Hi there,
No workout for me today, allowing my body to rest however I don't really rest with all the glorious domestic goddess duties I have throughout my day. I am on my feet all day so I don't feel guilty sitting on my bottom and not moving.
Here are my meals for today;
Vanilla, pear and cinnamon porridge. Sprinkled with walnuts
I cook this on the stove top and if I don't have fresh pears, I open up a can of tinned pears and add the entire contents and it's luscious sweet juices (please note I try to avoid any products with "added sugar" whenever possible) and add enough milk so this turns into a fluffy cloud. I then sprinkle the walnuts and this breaky fills my belly and I am ready to rock and roll for the morning.
Morning snack
1 orange muffin
1 latte
As per my previous "oranges" post this was my inspiration for my morning tea catch up with a girlfriend.
Home made chicken soup with rice noodles
I typically make a weekly or fortnightly batch of chicken soup or as my sons like to refer to it Rainbow soup (this is when I add red, green and yellow capsicums, broccoli and beans right at the end of the cooking process. I will make sure I post my rainbow soup the next time I make it. In this case I had a frozen batch and after coming home from my girlfriends house, I needed something quick and placed it in a saucepan and defrosted this soup dejour!!!!
Afternoon snack
Crackers with laughing cow cheese
1 raw carrot
Turkey burgers with veggie puree
I basically add the following ingredients depending on the weight of the mince;
fresh bread crumbs soaked in milk
shredded carrots
grated onion
clove of garlic
add various spices eg curry, cumin, tarragon
salt & pepper
For my puree (only because I find this easy to feed our 10 month old baby girl Zali) I boil all my veggies, in this case cauliflower, carrot and broccoli, use some of the water and add some milk and blitz it! I save the veggie stock for other meals.
Hope these meals sound and look delicious to you, too bad there is no "smell this" button as these were a real hit tonight!
Good night all, I'll catch you tomorrow Xx Dani