WOW! Holy Macro Bread!
Things have been pretty hectic these past few days, as you know with my lower back injury, flying interstate for meetings and cocktail nights (a big shout out to Qantas for my wheelchair Rock Star VIP treatment! and all your tweets) it made my travelling experience a lot more comfortable. Thank you. Plus did you all see Jamie Oliver's Food Tube share their Day 19. Ice cream #foodiephotoaday IG post? I am a tad excited about that!
Today I need to take a step back….take a deep breath. So much going on, total excitement and adrenalin 24x7 so I have promised myself to take time out “just for me.” I saw my Chiropractor yesterday and I'm on the road to recovery (my pelvic floor muscles went into a major spasm attack last week at the gym, which has tilted my entire pelvis and pinched all my lower back facet nerves. Eeek!) Nothing a little bed rest hasn't been able to fix. I must admit it has made me move a lot more slowly (than all the rushing around I normally do) which has been a great lesson to listen to my body, rest and repair so I don't damage it further.
So tonight, I’m booked in for a facial treatment (I can't remember the last time I did that!) and placing the focus back on me. I need to get back to basics and function like a Mother of 4 kids and wife again.
Enough about the pain in my life…..how about some pleasure baby! I am uber excited to announce:
I am the Woolworths Macro Brand Ambassador!
Woot! Woot! You know, I am all about food so partnering with The Fresh Food People for the next 12 months is just pure awesomeness, don't you agree? I am here to bring you the fresh foods our family eats and the Macro range is all about natural and organic goodness, using no preservative or additives and the best bit is, it’s low in sugar wherever possible. A match made in heaven right? So I am looking forward to sharing their awesome Macro products with you here so you too can enjoy affordable and healthy products next time you go shopping.
For more daily inspo you can check out their website, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube and Instagram pages.
The new range of Macro products has something for the whole family from gluten-free muesli and corn chips, organic potato chips in kid-sized serves to organic pasta sauces and free-range chicken. This week I grabbed their Super and Wholegrain oats and rye bread.
Our kids like to get very creative when eating their afternoon school snacks.
I think because now they know, they can be credited for the images I post out in the world wide web. Clever little vegemite’s! They enjoy the seeds and texture of this bread and it is super tasty toasted too! Noah loves his avocado and tomatoes so this is his design.
Oscar is the comical one so he loves to spread tahini and make smiley faces with tomato eyes, a blueberry nose and an avocado smile.
While Mietta enjoys her blueberry’s
and Zali loves bananas with cacao nibs sprinkles and both girls spread coconut butter on their bread.
If you have been following me these past couple of years, you know we have reduced anything that is heavily processed and high in sugar and sodium. You won’t see any white refined sugars or white flour in our pantry. We always aim for wholemeal or grain breads and have even converted our pastas to either gluten free, wholemeal or fully raw. When it comes to food Woolworths believe it’s what’s inside that counts! That’s why macro is made from natural ingredients with as little as possible added and none of the goodness removed. Pure and simple, just the way nature intended.
We are lucky we don't have any major gluten intolerances, sometimes Oscar can get a little bread overload but that’s only when he has toast for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and dipping his sourdough bread in olive oil and balsamic for dinner!!!! It gets me congested too!
It's great to know the kids can eat at least 2 slices of macro bread, which gives under 9 year olds more than 60% of their daily whole grain intake. Which is ideal for our young kids growing bodies.
Also loving the fact it’s freshly baked in our local stores here in Ballarat (601 Woolworths stores nationally) for as little as $3 so when people tell me healthy living is expensive, I'm here to share with you how we feed our family of 6 with healthy foods that doesn't break our weekly budget.
How about your household? Do you eat bread? If so, do you prefer white or wholemeal bread?