What a year! Here are my 2013 Highlights
So, it's now time to bid farewell to 2013. What a firecracker of a year it's been for Fitness, Food and Style. How did your year shape up?
Of course, like always, time this year just FLEW by ... seriously how quickly did it go?
Overall, it's been another amazing year and to put it in perspective, you can click on last year's highlights here to know what the starting point of 2013 was ...
With so many wonderful experiences and adventures throughout the year, it's hard to pinpoint favourites but below is a just a quick recap of the Fitness, Food and Style journey throughout the year that's been.
Nevertheless, as easy as this move may have looked, it was extremely challenging as planking really challenges and tightens up the core muscles.
Here's my pre and post results.
This month the FFS challenge explored the world of no added sugar. I couldn't quite manage the entire IQS program ... however I certainly took baby steps.
This challenge encouraged people to read food labels and focus on reducing the amount of refined sugar consumed on a daily basis ... simply through making better food choices. It's simple to do and checking labels is the first place we can reduce sugars we often forget are so heavily added to the foods we select.
This can then be taken further by eliminating soft drinks and saying no to added sugar in tea and coffee etc ... baby steps, remember! Read more here.
Photo courtesy of Loni Jane ALEVEN |
Mmmm March .... Oh yeah I also celebrated my 39th birthday ;-)
I included subgroups into the challenge to cater for those who still wanted to incorporate meats and other proteins - their brief was to try at least one raw meal per day - whether that be a salad or raw vegetables.
The beautiful Kristina from Fully Raw also shared her new lifestyle with FFS readers and assisted us through the changes a fully raw diet may result in for us first time raw-ers! Read more here.
It was also the month that saw the start of the #RichardBransonProject campaign - promoting and seeking support for the Vision Crusaders GRAND SLAM Ride To Conquer Cancer events. We challenge the man himself Sir Richard Branson to come ride with us. Read more here.
The beautiful birds at Birdnest and Stylerunner also gave some amazing giveaways for this comp!
Can you believe it??? We are just over 1 year young!!! Here's a recap on all the fun moments here.
Also the #richardbransonproject continued to build momentum and there was so much support from across the entire globe. You can read more here or come check out the retweet Danni Minogue did here. I love social media so much!
I made a point of experimenting with some healthier party food options and tried to remove a lot of the refined sugars food at their birthday parties. You can click on their hyperlinked names to check out the birthday party posts and see how there was much fun to be had without all of the sugary stuff.
I'm looking forward to continuing with this in 2014, so be sure to follow the link and register your interest.
From Oscars 6th birthday one minute ...
To sliding down the deepest, steepest and fastest waterside at sea and cruising across the Pacific Ocean to Vanuata the next!
Before I had chance to catch my breath, I was flying all across Oz ... from Hamilton Island to Adelaide for my RTCC finale ride. Whoa!!!! My head is just spinning as I type this.
We also managed to squeeze in a mini 7 day #ffsplanks challenge, here's my Vision Crusaders team and I in Adelaide and in full form!
More information and reminiscing about these amazing times are just a hyperlinked click away :)
The times got busy as we packed the family up for travelling North on a well-deserved family R&R break and celebrated Christmas on sandy beaches. Of course I'll be keeping you updated with snippets of our holiday adventures via Facebook and Instagram.
Remember to ALWAYS #dreambig and I'm looking forward to another exciting year with you all filled with much Fitness Food and Style!
Bring on 2014!
Just because I have to give you the heads up ... in 2014 there will be a NEW FFS website, more tools for you, interviews and products to share to keep you all fit, healthy and looking fabulous throughout the upcoming year.
I really do hope that you had a very Merry Christmas with your loved ones. In 2014, I wish you an abundance of good health, fun times and prosperity.
I truly can not wait to share another year's journey with you - my Fitness, Food and Style friends! At this opportunity, I'd like to thank YOU for being here with me along the way ... it's with your support and friendship that I'm living the dream and in 2014 I hope I can help you to live yours too!