Transformation Tuesday with Nicholas Byrd
Nicholas, I can only imagine how fabulous you are feeling right about now! You had the will power - you said NO - you made the lifestyle change and now you have the confidence you need to keep going! I am so proud of you! You definitely are a fighter and an AWESOME one at that. Keep rocking!!
How old are you and please can you share your health and fitness journey to date?
I am 23 years old. I have always been a lover of food. Throughout high school it seemed I could eat whatever I wanted to without gaining any weight. I slowly started gaining weight about the age of 19. And by the age of 21 I had gained over 65 pounds. My max weight that I weighed in on a scale was 226.5 pounds at 5ft 4in tall. I would tell myself and others "I am happy with who I am, I'd rather eat what I want and die fat and happy than be skinny, eat healthy and die miserable." If only I knew then how much happier I would be once I got healthy! I am now currently 166 pounds, 60 lbs lost! I eat as clean as possible and I am still eating a little under maintaince to lose weight slower than before. I lift 20 lb Dumbbells at the house 3-5 days a week to help build some muscle back. Food is no longer a struggle for me! I CAN say no! The first 30 days were the worst. But I am so glad I made my lifestyle change and choice a better quality of life for myself!
What types of foods did you used to eat as a kid and young adult? What's changed since then?
I use to eat whatever I wanted when I wanted. I mean literally I'd eat wether I was hungry or not. I use to eat until I could not fit another bite in my mouth. Sweet Tea, Soda, Alcohol, and beer were my liquid down falls. Football season at the age 21 was the worst! I would sometime consume over 2000 liquid calories alone. But summer work days had that beat... Hard physical labor makes me hungry and hungry (anger from hunger). So we would go to the local pizza buffet and Chinese buffet. Sometimes having eating completions.... YUCK. I know based of what I ate/drank one day at the pizza buffet I consumed over 5,000 calories. Sometimes we'd eat at these to places 2 to 3 times a week! Now just the simple thought of that kind of food makes me gag. I will NEVER step foot into a buffet ever again. I really do not ever want pizza or Chinese food at all! I mainly start my day with 2-4 farm fresh eggs, 1 banana. 1 serving of peanut butter on the banana, and 1 serving of My Protein Whey with 1% milk. Lunch is usually chicken and veggies with Ezikeil bread or and Ezekiel bread sandwich with natural "deli meat". Dinner I usually eat a lot of protein, veggies, and brown rice. Thought out the day I will snack on cashews, Greek yogurt, granola, fruit, or protein bars/powder. I'm amazed about how good I felt once I got past the "craving" stages of my diet change. And I drink at least half a gallon of water a day!
Do you play any sports or what sports do you like watching?
I use to play baseball until the age of 13. I love watching The Alabama Crimson Tide okay some SEC football! But all in all I enjoy watching college football, NFL, The World Cup, and formula 1 racing.
What are your interests, passion and what makes you smile?
I love building computers. I am an IT guy and I have a weakness for dorky things. I know have a new hobby of watching YouTube channels that are fitness/healthy lifestyle oriented.
What was the catalyst that sparked your lifestyle change?
I stared to finally realize I was extremely miserable and just.. No other way to put it FAT. I went from a 33x30 to a 38x30 in under 16 months. I stared to snore at night and have indigestion all the time. I started getting uncomfortable with my body and how I looked. Almost like I was depressed (well I was depressed with who I was, I just didn't realize it) and I needed to change. My wife and I have been struggling with infertility and going to a fertility specialist for almost 2 years. Through multiple surgeries and treatments with no luck. I want nothing more than to be a father. And started to think about "if we get pregnant, I can't live like this and live to see my child live, graduate college, get married, and have my grandchildren". And that did it for me! On January 25, 2015 I decided I was making a change!
What are some of your dreams/goals you hope to achieve over the next 12 months?
My goal right now is to get down to 160 pounds. I feel a little too skinny right now. I want to lose some more weight and then dry to eat in a small caloric surplus and lift heavier weights and follow a program. I know I can do it I just have to stick to it! Hey I have come this far.. What stopping me now!?
What tips would you like to share with my readers about your transformation?
Fight. I mean that. Fight for you or for whoever/whatever you love. Don't let ANYONE get in your way. Do not make excuses for yourself. Ultimately you are the one who makes the decisions to do good or bad for you/your health. If you are seriously trying to lose weight do not eat out! It's easier said than done, I know. But trust me on this one. Cravings stink! But they will go away I promise! Nicholas has proven that with a little tough love you can do it! A healthy lifestyle is the BEST medicine to keep your mental health strong!
We will definitely be watching you on Instagram Nicholas to see you flourish that little bit more!
Do you have a Transformation story you would like to share?
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