Transformation Tuesday with Joanne Peters!

The amazing Joanne Peters joins us to share her transformation which started by changing her mindset and adding mini workouts to her daily routine and then BANG it all fell into place. Her passion grew and the continuity of good health, fitness and love for life is what it became.  

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How old are you and please can you share your health and fitness journey to date?

I'm 40 years old and a mum of two. I took an interest in fitness around a year and a half ago and started by making small changes in my diet and doing workouts from YouTube. I began to feel better about myself but it wasn't until I started a more structured program (Kayla Itsines' bikini body guide) and cleaned up diet even more that I really started to see results.

What types of foods did you used to eat as a kid and young adult? What's changed since then?

My parents always owned either a takeaway shop, restaurant or cafe so I grew up with food all around me. I had food 'on tap' so to speak and I guess that's where my bad habit of constantly snacking started.

Do you play any sports or what sports do you like watching?

I love tennis, soccer and gymnastics and enjoy taking my children to their activities and cheering them on.

What are your interests, passion and what makes you smile?

I have a huge passion in learning about nutrition, skin care, supplements and anti-ageing. I love spending quality time with good friends and family. What really makes me smile is being able to motivate and inspire others with working out and cooking nutritious meals.

What was the catalyst that sparked your lifestyle change?

I felt down and out, unhappy with myself and my energy levels were not great to say the least. I started some exercise and soon found that if I started my day with a workout, I felt much better about myself and more energised.

What are some of your dreams/goals you hope to achieve over the next 12 months?

I would like to educate myself in fitness and nutrition so that I can help others achieve their goals. I would also like to put together a collection of recipes to help motivate others to make healthy changes for themselves and their families.

What tips would you like to share with my readers about your transformation?

The hardest part is always starting. I told myself that I just needed to do something positive everyday. Don't put too much pressure on yourself and expect motivation to fluctuate. We all fall off the wagon from time to time but always put it behind you and pick yourself again. My biggest tip is to get on top of the diet as it is the most important factor and you don't want to counteract your hard efforts working out.

Joanne you must be so proud of yourself. You have proven that it all starts with the feeling of joy and love within yourself and then the rest flows. Keep it up gorgeous gal… you are a STAR!

Check out Joanne on Instagram and share your story here with Team Dani and we LOVE seeing people shine!!

Xx Dani

Your Everyday Fitness Food Motivator

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