Transformation Tuesday with Melissa C
Our Transformation Tuesday story BLOWS me away!!!! Let me introduce you to my fellow Slavic superstar Melissa C from Sydney, Australia! Melissa shares her story with us today and is living proof that it takes hard work, mind over matter and no overnight magic pill! Hear how she did it!
How old are you and please can you share your health and fitness journey to date?
Firstly, my name is Melissa and I am from Sydney, Australia. My background is Italian/Slovenian and I am 25 years old.
Growing up I was always over weight. I can clearly remember being teased in Kindergarten for being chubby. My parents tried to curb my eating, they locked food away and encouraged me to participate in sports and keep active. Unfortunately for them my love of food was embedded deep inside of me and nothing they did could have changed me. I got my first job at McDonald’s and that is where the weight really started to pile on, then I got my first full time job and full time boyfriend. With a disposable income and a boyfriend who supported my eating habits, my weight sky rocketed from 100kgs to 134kgs within a year. My parents tried everything they could to help me see how unhealthy I was but I really didn’t care.
I went for a routine check up at the doctors and after a blood test and a blood pressure test I was told I had high blood pressure and fat traces in my blood, as well as spurs under my heels. I asked the doctor how long I had to be on this blood pressure medication for to get rid of it. He advised me, unless I lose some weight – forever.
I left the doctors surgery in shock, here I was 19 years of age, putting my health at risk for what? Unlimited amounts of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, pizza, kebabs and ice cream? It was time to make a serious change, I joined Fernwood Womens Gym and I started out doing group fitness classes. My favorites were Body Pump and Body Combat. Sure I was embarrassed and shy and super unfit, but I just hid in the back of the classes and worked hard to increase my fitness and build my confidence.
My diet was the next thing I cleaned up – I literally had no idea how to eat healthy. I remember eating bowls of frozen corn because that’s healthy right? I ate banana bread for breakfast because surely banana and bread can’t be bad for you? Then I slowly learned more by reading every magazine and web article I could get my hands on. I spoke to personal trainers, friends and family. I literally soaked up every bit of knowledge I could and day by day I learnt more and more. Have I made mistakes in my diet? Yes – almost weekly! But there are no right or wrong methods as long as you are trying.
Over the course of the next few years I lost over 50 kilograms – sure I had off days, weeks and even months. I made mistakes, tried something that didn’t work, took my dieting to extremes that I shouldn’t have. But I did learn one important lesson: The more extreme the weight loss, the more extreme the rebound will be.
When you take the 80/20 approach (80% good wholesome, nutrient dense foods/20% sanity pleasing foods) you have a good balance that keeps you satisfied without going through the binge/strict viscous cycle.
Where am I at today?
Today I am weighing a healthy 76kgs with 22.5% body fat and a healthy BMI. I am working towards new goals, I would like to be 70kgs and be rid of my belly fat but I am not stressed about it and in good time I will reach my goals.
What types of foods did you used to eat as a kid and young adult? What's changed since then?
I gained weight working at McDonald's then ate lots of take away junk food.
I now eat all food groups in moderation.
Moderation is the key to success,
Do you play any sports or what sports do you like watching?
Power lifting.
What are your interests, passion and what makes you smile?
Nutrition and educating people on healthy, sustainable weight loss.
What was the catalyst that sparked your lifestyle change?
Health issues (More info above)
What are some of your dreams/goals you hope to achieve over the next 12 months?
To do study nutrition and get qualified to become a weight loss coach,
What tips would you like to share with my readers about your transformation?
I know it sounds cliche but this is a lifestyle change, there is no end date, or time frame, you make the change and you make it for life. When you make a wrong choice, you overeat, skip a workout or have a binge session - you pick yourself right back up again and remember that when you drop your phone do you keep smashing it against the ground till its broken or do you pick it up and take better care of it? Do the same with your body,
List your social media if you would like people to follow you
Thank you Melissa for your amazing story of determination and persistence! It just goes to show us all, that nothing every happens over night!
If you've got a story like Melissa's to share with us, please head to the Transformation Tuesday page to fill out our form and be featured on!
Xx Dani