Transformation Tuesday with Kristy
Obesity runs in Kristy's family. But circumstances came along the way while she was raising her one-year old daughter, which changed her life. Today Kristy shares with us the changes in her lifestyle that steered her away from obesity and diabetes. Let's give Kristy Potts a virtual round of applause for sharing her amazing Transformation Tuesday story with us today. If you, or anyone else you know, has changed their lifestyle for the better please get them to fill out their story here. I would love to feature you, or them!
Happy Tuesday!
How old are you and please can you share your health and fitness journey to date?
Im 33 years old, I'm a full time working mum of 3. Wife to shane and self confessed gladiator of awesome! Ive lost almost 50 kilos in 12 months.
What types of foods did you used to eat as a kid and young adult? What's changed since then?
I actually ate pretty healthy up until i met my now husband.... He introduced me to all sorts of prossesed nasties. Pizzas, macdonalds and takeaways became an easy option.
Do you play any sports or what sports do you like watching?
I love to swim, box, crossfit and i plat tennis at the local courts every tuesday night.
What are your interests, passion and what makes you smile?
I have a passion for performance cars. I love going on car club cruise days with mid north coast horespower club with my family. My second passion is food! Yes, healthy food! I love making & creating healthy new dishes. My family makes me smile.
What was the catalyst that sparked your lifestyle change?
I have a family history of obesity, when i could see my characteristics heading down that same path, something had to change. I could see me being buried at a very young age from obesity or diseases relating to obesity. Things changed when my terminally ill father in law passed away in may 2013 at the age of 60. Not because of something he could change, he had cancer. He didnt get to see his grandchildren grow up. My gracie was 1 when he passed. Right then i knew i could change my lifestyle to make sure i had the best shot at seeing my kids and their kids grow up. He couldnt help his situTion but i could help mine.
What are some of your dreams/goals you hope to achieve over the next 12 months?
Lose the excess weight i still have ( another 10-15 kilos) to tone up & im going to learn to run if it kills me!
What tips would you like to share with my readers about your transformation?
Nail your nitrition and your 80% there. Move whenever and however your able to. Eg: One of my girls begged me to take them to the park. I only had 1 hour spare to try and fit in exercise. So to the park we went. I did one hour of walking around and around the park ( very very small one!) i was 120 kilos and morbidly obese) i got strange looks, some weird stares but i gave it my best and did my best with what time and resources that where available to me! Time is precious. Make the most of it.
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