Smoothie bowls sensations and sleep challenge
How easy are these smoothie bowls? Simply blend your favourite fruit or just use yoghurt and add your favourite fruits, nuts and super foods ie: chia seeds, coconut and cacao nibs. It's our go to breaky meal every morning or afternoon snack, and always satisfying and super fresh.
Smoothie Bowls
1 banana
1 kiwi fruit
1 mandarin
5 frozen raspberries
Handful of fruit & nut
Sprinkle of coconut, chia and cacao nibs
Whiz a banana with yoghurt or just fruit
I am no food stylist, I simply cut and arrange the fruit and yoghurt or blended fruit in a bowl, sprinkle and decorate whatever I have in the pantry and dig in!
All in all food choices have been fab this week, I have also been loving bike riding. Luckily with my back on the BIG improve I am able to cycle longer distances. However I like to keep things simple and not pressure my body too soon, I go for 15 minutes interval bike rides to get the blood pumping.
Who remembers my Queen Of Hearts leggings?
Sleep challenge
How has your sleep been going? I slipped a little last night with some night waking with Zali but I am getting to bed before 10:30pm which is unheard of! I can't believe these past few years I have been living off 4-5hrs of sleep! Ridiculous I say!
Do you know what the record for the longest period without sleep is? 18 days, 21 hours AND 40 minutes. And all because of a rocking chair marathon. (I thought rocking chairs were meant to help you get to sleep.)
I don't think I would want to be the worlds record holder of not sleeping, cos I love my sleep too much. Sleep is SO important to keep your body healthy and happy and with August being the month for my Sleep Challenge, I’m here to help you get all the rest you need!
So…how many hours did you get last night? Honestly…
Making sure you MOVE every day is important but after a day or working or managing your family, sleep is just as important too.
If your answer is less than 6 hours, you gotta fix this pronto – for the sake of your good health. Don’t end up like that rocking chair person, with blurred vision, slurred speech and paranoia.
You want to be the one with refreshed looking skin, shiny hair, bright, alert eyes and energy to spare – ready to face a happy, creative, productive day with a smile. Heck! Why not even start your day with a happy bed dance!
So how can we make things better?
Drinking water throughout the day and keeping your body hydrated is a positive, and so is moving for fitness to get your blood pumping and heart rate going (remember those lunges for toning your bottom before summer is on its way!).
But at night – after a day of nutritious eating, fresh air, and, a fun filled day – it’s time to wind down. Have you tried yoga? Not so much the sweat-inducing hot and active version but the calm, meditative style that helps your breathing slow and your mind find some calm.
If getting out to a late night class doesn’t suit your schedule, look at online courses, apps or DVDs you can watch at a time that suits you. Get comfy, make sure the space you’re in is warm and inviting and, as they say, just do it. You can always check out my yoga challenge for inspiration too.
Don’t forget that cup of herbal tea to help induce sleepiness – and make sure you stay away from those screens late at night. For me, reading pages of a real book is the ultimate relaxation and usually sets me off to sleep. If you’ve got kids and no work to do after-hours, start the slowdown process by tucking in with them and reading to them. They’ll love it and it’s great for you too. No kids? Just read for yourself. Once you’re propped up on a pillow, I challenge you to keep your eyelids open....
Have a great Thursday and tell me what time will you get to bed tonight?