My last day of sugar until the 16th July...
Thank you to all my sugar free participants AKA sugar-less legends!!! I can't believe we have 18 people doing this challenge! THIS WILL BE SO AWESOME! We will help one another through this even though I know quite a few of you have already given up most OF the sugary stuff.
BTW I have changed the Sugar babes team name to Sugar-less babes ;-P
I had some major treats at a 5yo ROYAL QUEENS birthday party this afternoon. Oscar was very excited to dress up as King Oscar however he did like being called Prince Oscar this afternoon ;-)
(1) Daisy's 5th bday cake castle (2) white choc/raspberry/marshmallow (3) The King & I (4) Prince Oscar with sparkle play dough |
NO WORKOUT TODAY ~ day of rest. Although we did do a family dance-a-thon tonight with Michael Jackson, Daft Punk, Justin B hits and seriously worked up a sweat. Kids had to take their tops off they were that sweaty....
*missed this meal* as I slept in until 10am!!!
Morning snack
feta cheese eggs with beans and spinach
Smoothie (as I had a big breakfast didn't feel like a big meal)
Blended 1 cup spinach, protein powder, pear juice, frozen raspberries & water
Afternoon snack
zucchini slice
sundried tom & carrot dip
bday cake (see above pic)
melted white choc/raspberry/marshmallows (see above pic)
4 KFC chicken nuggets & chips with snow AKA sugar snap peas.
I can't stand their coleslaw or potato and gravy so had to put something healthy on my plate ;-) First time EVER this year that we had KFC!!
x1 can of pepsi (can't remember the last time I had this either!!!) a real sugar rush before the big day 2mrw
Evening snack
smashed a 300g celebrations cadbury chocolate bar (shared it with my husband last night & tonight as well) saying goodbye to sugar with a bang huh?!!!! ha! ha! Gotta get rid of this bad habit. Here's me trying to keep you on the straight and narrow path of no sugar! and I smash a block of chocolate.....
How has your weekend been?
(1) Our rainbow on our way to the beach (2) Noah, Oscar, Mietta & I (3) Oscar & I (4) Star jumps by yours truly |
I hope you enjoy our sensational Saturday/Sunday snappy pics, which I think I will feature every week.