Monday dinner idea and recap of Mothers Day

How was your Mothers Day? It was such a great day to do absolutely NOTHING. The one day in the year I could put my feet up, be served like a Queen and have a fun filled day spent with the family I adore, my #TeamDani. Here's us just hanging around....

Dani Stevens family fitness tree fun

Woke up to these amazing gifts and as I mentioned yesterday, the plastic jewellery is the bomb! I love how creative our kids get with their "hand made with love" cards, with such special meaning. Also a BIG THANK YOU to all their teachers for making it even more special.

Happy Mothers Day to Dani Stevens

After they made me vanilla yogurt with fruit for breakfast we went straight outside to explore our new neighbourhood. Managed to clock a quick 10km return trip before lunch.

Dani Stevens Family Fitness bike riding

An awesome walk down this beautiful backyard beach we have...I just pinch myself we have created these 4 beautiful souls. Yesterday I took time to really appreciate how blessed we are as a family.

Mothers Day Dani Stevens Fabletics

A beach stairs workout along with beach bike riding made our legs of steel work extra hard!

Dani Stevens family fitness fun beach style

I hope you had an amazing Mothers Day too. It was lovely going out for lunch and then dinner was prepared by our amazing kids! It's good to know the kids know how to marinade chicken tenderloins, crush a garlic and drizzle olive oil on a mushroom with some parsley, followed by a rocket parmesan and tomato salad. KISS (keep it simple sweetie). All supervised by my awesome husband and instructed by me.

Grilled chicken with rocket & tomato salad

Dani Stevens healthy dinners chicken mushrooms tomato rocket salad


Chicken tenderloins (seasoned with S&P with a crushed garlic)

Mushrooms (drizzled with olive oil, crushed garlic & parsley)

Rocket salad  (drizzled with olive oil, lemon juice, S&P and shaved Parmesan cheese)

Tomato salad (drizzled with olive oil, lemon juice, S&P)


Grill chicken and mushrooms until cooked. Combine rocket salad ingredients and gently toss together. Cut tomatoes into wedges, combine ingredients and toss all together so all the flavours get to know each other.


Psssst! Here's a really quick way to show you how we make our salads, hence our kids love to make them!

I hope you have a sensational Monday and catch you on Instagram for my daily snippets!


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