MmmMonday Miracle Food - How to cure Eczema
A true story by these amazing parents. How cute are they with their fruit and colourful fruit & vegetable van! I love it xxx
If you recall my post a couple of weeks ago on Social Media I love you and how I listed my most fave Social Media friends, you know Ullenka AKA DeHappy_Mama was first cab off the rank! I love her! She has an amazing story to share with the world, (plus a phenomenal artist!) that I just had to have her share it with #teamdani! You all know how much I love food and how food has so many powers. There is the good and then there is the bad.
This story will blow your mind! Last year she and her husband left their full time jobs, bought a van to travel the world with their kids and went vegan! All to find cures for their sick children. Here's an example on the left with her daughter Maya who chronically suffered from eczema last year before they started their travels and going fully raw.
Maya is now completely cured thank goodness with no cortisone drugs or prescribed creams. What cured her? Simple. Real food. Without further adieu I will let beautiful Ullenka tell her family story....
"We are a family of 5. Kris 37 and Ullenka 41, parents of three children suffering from autoimmune diseases; allergies, eczema and autism. Maya 8.5, Travis 5 and Troy 1.5. They all are very smart and wonderful kids that need our help. We have decided to do anything in our powers to help them. We were ready for big changes and many commitments along that promise.
Two years ago Travis, at 3 years old was diagnosed with autism. At the same time Maya’s allergy and eczema returned rapidly. Soon the new born baby Troy developed his eczema too. All three of them were suffering with this condition no matter what I did. There was no doctor to help us and no medicine to heal it permanently. I haven’t reached for steroids again. We started to search for alternative methods to help them.
A year ago, September 2013 we have converted our family to vegetarian after seeing few naturopath doctors. It hasn’t had much change on our situation. Actually their condition worsen week by week. They all were very sad and cranky from low sugar diets, they lost weight and their skin was looking terrible. I felt we were making a beast living inside their bodies, very angry and stronger with wrong approach.
Fortunately after years of searching, in February this year after another massive research, Ullenka converted to high carb raw vegan lifestyle to test it on herself. After two months she has made a decision about her entire family to come along. It was a quick change without any transition. The family became vegan overnight. It was easy. The fruits and fresh foods was so enormous, that everyone was extremely happy about it!
We just bought 5 cases of bananas, ripen them till brown spots and started this journey with treatment called Banana Island.
Banana island is eating bananas only or bananas and greens for entire day and it can last up to 1 month. It does amazing detox to the body and is best way to start raw vegan lifestyle. It could be any mono island - watermelon, mango etc. Bananas is the easiest one and available all year long.
The results were pretty dramatic very soon. After only a couple of weeks the kids were really happy again, they gained their weight back and lost their strange yellowish color to their bodies. Skin still looked bad but it sort of stopped.
After only three weeks into diet, baby Troy who was about 1 year old then, was eczema free. Within the next 2-3 months we started to see huge improvement in Maya’s and Travis’s skin. Her’s was the worst and lasted the longest.
I also need to mention, that Kris has lost over 50lbs - 20kgs with no effort and zero starvation. I too got my pre-kids weight back! Close to 20lbs - 15kgs gone! So it was a great result for us also. And it is just a side effect of this lifestyle, when primarily we focus on health benefits and being happy in general.
Currently we are starting to add some cooked starches and steamed veggies at dinner, but still keeping high on raw foods and tons of fruits all the time.
Bananas and melons are our basic food.
To help our kids in the best possible way, we took a year long trip with them starting July 2014. We travel to countries in Europe now, but planning to go across the Ocean too. We are documenting our journey in weekly YouTube videos, as well as our blog and my Instagram. The purpose of our journey is to find more sun, cleaner environment and world school our kids. But there is more important factor to it - spreading the knowledge about veganism is a fantastic way of living and how beneficial for us humans it is. That it can cure diseases and keep the body lean without struggle and hunger. We have left almost everything behind and go day by day, believing that we will find our peace and health at the end."
Thank you gorgeous Ulla for sharing your life with us, you are truly amazing parents and your kids are so fortunate that you have gone to this extent to find a cure to their diseases. Bravo! Keep up the great work and for those that wish to follow the DeHappy5 head over to their YouTube, Facebook, Instagram or blog.
What about you? Do you think food is the miracle healer?