#JustStopDani In June Challenge
These last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind from launching DaniStevens.com to presenting at the Mind Body Spirit festival for 4 days to catching up with house duties, motherhood, being a wife and just Dani getting some time to myself. So this month I thought I would make it all about stopping!!!! From today Monday the 16th June until the end of the month, I would like us to #juststopdani and share with everyone what you are doing when you completely stop doing everything that life demands from you. This challenge is all about the time you can allocate, I don't care if it's 10 long breaths because you know what? You just stopped and that was one minute.
Here are some things you may like to do:
Meditate Go for a run Walk your dog Soak in a bath Read a magazine
That's me right there! I love to just chill out even if it's flicking through the pages of the magazine and not really reading. I am just stopping to do one daily activity for me and being present in the moment. Even if it's for 10 minutes.
I know it sounds like a pretty simple challenge however I personally know it can get pretty tough to find time for me (having 4 kids with no baby sitter gets a little taxing) so I will be sharing with you my #juststopdani moments in pictures across Social Media and I would love you to do the same. Whatever your preference is on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Google +... I will find you :-)
In return I have some amazing giveaways which I will announce the 4 winners in the first week of July. Share as many photos as you like, the more you share the greater your chances of going in the draw to win one of 4 $150 NewBalance.com.au Heidi Klum active wear online vouchers. Ensure you have subscribed to my newsletter here so you can keep up to date.
Much love and friendship, xxDani