Introducing WOW Wednesday
This week has been another super busy week, planning for upcoming events in Sydney and getting my schedule ready for another super dooper couple of months. I can't wait to share with you my news and the direction my brand is heading.
Okay for now, this is what has WOW-ed me and my Wishlist this Wednesday:
Awesome meal planners on the #28daybreakthru #fernwoodangels online program.
Along with a detailed fitness program for the week.
Visited some brands this week and had to pop into my all time fave store in Richmond Thomas Dux
Brittany Wright never ceases to amaze me. Her Instagram page is one big massive rainbow!!!
You know my motto in life #dreambig? Well I'm dreaming about getting outta our bus and move into this gorgeous Mercedes Benz GL series to transport our 4 babes. You like?
80% of my time is driving the kids to and from school and of course having 4 kids there are plenty of after school activities. Our kids are loving their karate and excited every time they get their new stripes. I'm super proud of them and always say WOW! That's brilliant!!!!
Mietta's all smiles in this picture. What WOWs you and places a smile on your dial?
Much love and friendship, XxDani