Happy FRI-YAY let's go nuts - it's the long weekend
What a week! How was yours?Whether you spend your time away from work with kids, or your besties, life can be busy. The good news today is…it’s Friday! Woo-hoo. I am definitely looking forward to the weekend. Running my own business means there are no really defined hours to when I switch on (or off) but I ALWAYS make sure I have down time that is just for me and my family…and some that’s just for me too.
Even over at YOU-app with Jamie Oliver we switch off technology, how long can you last offline?
Being on the move means that my fitness and food sometimes needs to be fast and travel-friendly. Sound familiar? It’s not as hard as it sounds. Just choose fresh and try to tick the food group boxes to make sure you’re getting everything your body needs.
Want a little bit of inspiration? Here’s some of what I did with the ones I love in the last few days:
We’re nuts about nuts! And what a great way to get the kids active cracking these little beauties plus it's awesome coordination skills too and loads of fun. We found a large rock and had a ball cracking these little babies! Macadamia nuts are soooooo good for you and high in fats (the good fats), are loaded with energy and are such a sweet nut to eat. Our kids love them!
Of course, then we had to wash that crunchy goodness down with something warm on a sunny winter's morning. Try this for your own yummy smoothie breakfast treat:
Blitz bananas with your favourite milk (or lactose/animal-free peeps can use coconut water or coconut milk) - then pour it over cooked porridge, with a drizzle of honey and vanilla. Press the on button and watch this natural liquid gold magically appear. The kids loved this warm breakfast smoothie on our crisp mornings on the way to school.
Dinnertime can be a challenge at the best of times. But I’ve got to do food for 6. No surprise that I love choosing things that are as FAST as they are TASTY. Home-made Mexican burgers were on our menu the other night.
Here’s how you can try it at your place:
Mix beef with chopped onions, capsicum, parsley, egg, cumin, paprika, plus salt and pepper. For easy cooking and no indoor smells, throw it on the barby and then build your personalised healthy burger - your style. We had mustard, cheese, bean sprouts & beetroot! What would you put on yours?
When you fill your body with wholesome, clean energy, it’s only natural to want to burn it off. Check out my ballerina beach babes:
Fitting in fitness is fun when you're down the beach. I love taking pics of all the things we do together (plus we are loving Periscope!) and I know the kids will appreciate looking back on them too – lots of memories we are making together.
What’s your special place to get outdoors and get moving?
Bring on the long weekend! I have my own private Pilates class tomorrow morning, as I am really struggling with my muscle spasms of late. I am also taking some magnesium spray and, of all things, spraying it under my tongue. Why? The expert advice is that it hits your blood stream a lot quicker than the powder. Who's tasted magnesium? Ewwww.....a very unique taste! But if it makes me feel fitter and happier - I'll keep doing it.
Then Oscar has his first game at Metricon Stadium at the Gold Coast (psssst - it's Adrian's dream to have his son playing AFL footy, so it's quite a buzz playing half-time with the GC Suns). After that, we'll head up to Noosa for the long weekend for some more family FUN in the sun and ACTIVE action, and I'll try and squeeze in some relaxation time in the mix to reward and restore. Mmmmm…
A big week behind me and that delicious feeling that anything can happen next. Ahhhh. That’s worth celebrating!
Happy FRI-YAY and see you after the long weekend on Tuesday!!!!
Xx Dani