Friday Freeletics Mystery Athlete - Week 9
Please ensure you leave her some encouraging words as I think she's doing an amazing job with her new healthy and fit lifestyle.
Until next week, keep active!
Dear Diary,
OMG this week has been a WINNER!! On 3 different occasions I have caught up with people I haven't seen since I started this challenge and they have all told me how much weight I have lost. That makes me SMILE big time! I honestly can't tell you how proud I am of myself. I know that we shouldn't be tied to people complimenting how we look, but it feels so good when someone says "You are looking GREAT!".
This is a great motivator for me. If you feel like nothing is happening, which last week I think I complained, just keep going because in the end you will see it and so will they. My husband is even commenting on how good I am looking. My clothes aren't as tight and I FEEL GREAT!
I am also being very conscious of what I am eating and bringing a lot of salads and wraps to work and my meal planning has been key this week.