Friday Freeletics Mystery Athlete Week 11 - comes to an end
An update from our mystery Freeletics athlete!!! Such sad news but I wish her a speedy recovery and all the best AND I just know I will feature her very soon. She is one determined lady and an absolute athlete. For someone that has completed 2 marathons and 2 triathlons, she's my hero in my eyes. She's super fit and I know she will continue her fitness journey.
To read more about her journey over the last 11 weeks, see below and follow her blog http://www.pushingenvelopes.me. I will miss you dearly as I loved hearing about your week each Friday.
Much love & friendship,
Hello All,
I wanna just put this out there.... I FEEL AWESOME! Although I have hurt my ankle and I am feeling a little sorry for myself I feel great. I am going to have to end this part of my Freeletics journey with you here as I can't do high impact on my ankle for a month or so. I am so sad to say that as it has been a great journey that you have all helped me with.
Your encouragement here, on Instagram and Facebook has made me smile and helped me along the way. Even the "no change" comments spurred me on to make sure that I did work harder to make the change more visible. Check out my pics of change... I personally love seeing my squat image where you can see the thigh size difference and also Hamilton Island Triathlon versus now... goodbye extra tyre, hello more speed and energy!
What have a gained/learnt from this experience?
1. More self confidence in myself as I get fitter
2. That I can do way more burpees than I thought I could
3. The knowledge that accountability is a great motivator
4. My gym can be wherever I am at the time, at whatever time of the day
What have I lost?
1. 6kgs
2. A bit of self doubt
3. 4 cm from my muffin top
4. 3 cm off each thigh
What did I love the most?
1. Seeing my progress each week through my workouts on freeletics but also the pics to you guys.
2. The positive reinforcement that you have all given me.
3. Gaining back control over my exercise routine in an inexpensive way!
4. Fitting into my favourite dress
I have thoroughly enjoyed Freeletics and this journey with you guys. This is not the end of the line... just a pause until I can start again. This time I might tackle strength and get more defined! Thank you Dani for giving me this opportunity to start the journey to being the healthiest person that I can be!
Thank you for all your support!
Xo- Anita