Friday Fitspo

I was thinking during the week that I may change Transformation Tuesday to Friday Fitspo. What do you think? I would love to share people's fitness inspiration and what keeps them healthy and fit. As you know, you need to feel good on the inside for that to show on the outside but looking good isn't why I do what I do, it's all about feeling healthy, full of energy and ultimately being happy. So here's my fitspo this week that I also shared over on Instagram.

Wall Squats

Wall squats isometric workouts by Dani Stevens

Find a wall in your office, home or outside. These isometric wall squats rock! I just did 5 sets of 10, holding for 10 seconds.
What are isometric exercises?

Isometric exercises are when the joints and muscles are not allowed to move a great deal, or contract to any extent. Rather they are allowed to be static and a force is generated at the joints and muscles without any movement. These are more apparent when you push your body against a wall. The wall doesn't move, you don't move, but a significant force is generated at the joints and muscles and this increases strength at the joints.

Food has been relatively good this week minus the birthday cakes, which I will share more next week. This is my home made muesli that only takes minutes.

Home made muesli

Home made muesli by Dani Stevens


1 cup of oats

Handful of almonds

Coconut chips

Sprinkle of cinnamon

1 tbs sunflower and pepita seeds

1 tsp sultanas or dried cranberries

Drizzle of honey or maple syrup


Either oven bake all these ingredients on baking paper or do what I do and place in a non-stick fry pan and lightly toast until brown.

5 minute morning quickie


Happy FRI-YAY and if you have a spare 5 minutes today bang out these babies like I did!

- mountain climbers

- squats

- lunges

- heel kicks

- push ups

- hip blasters

What have you got planned for the weekend? We have a festival tomorrow and nippers on Sunday. See you over on Instagram and Facebook and have a sensational weekend.


Your Everyday Fitness Food Motivator


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