Freeletics on Friday with our Mystery Transformation W1-W4
Here's our amazing Freeletics mystery athlete checking in. How fabulous to have this lady committed to this program 4 weeks in a row! Especially over the festive period. You rock!
What workouts did you do this week?
This week was much the same as last week, burpees, squats, froggies etc but it feels good to be able to do them quicker. I am scared looking at next week's sessions as it is all new stuff which my body might go into shock about... who would have thought I would say that I think my body is getting used to burpees. I actually saw a drink bottle the other day saying "I love burpees". I was going to get it!
What are you eating ?
This week I started back at work after the summer break and it was hard to keep on track with eating. I know it should be easier but it meant that I had to actually get up and get going and make sure I was prepared. I started making smoothies for breakfast then having a salad and some form of protein for lunch. I found this lovely smoked chicken breast which I have been chopping up in my lunches.
What's motivated you this week to exercise regularly and where have you been working out?
You guys motivated me!! I saw the comments on the FFS progress pics posted last week and that has been my motivation to keep on track this week. I have been working out at home in the backyard or in the bedroom. The benefit with these workouts is that they can be done anywhere so you don't need much room, therefore the end of the bed is sometimes my gym!
What was the hardest thing you found this week with exercise and nutrition?
Nutrition is going to be my killer I think! It always has been so when someone offers me something it is hard to say no. I also need to be prepared and organised, which can be hard for me!
Thanks again for sticking to this new fitness regime with us and telling us your true experience about the workouts. For those that wish to join us in Freeletics land, please click here.
Much love and friendship,
Thanks again for sticking to this new fitness regime with us and telling us your true experience about the workouts. For those that wish to join us in Freeletics land, please click here.
Much love and friendship,