Freeletics Friday with our Mystery Transformation Athlete Weeks 6 & 7
She's back!!!
Even our Freeletics mystery athlete didn't let her ankle let her down, she persisted and she shares her journal with us for the last few weeks she missed. So we are playing a bit of catch up hence 2 weeks in the 1 post today.
Please show her some support by leaving words of encouragement, it's a tough gig being out there in the world wide web and having us cheer her along keeps her so motivated.
Thanks for sharing and we look forward to reading from you next week!
Freeletics Week 6
So…. This week I fell off the bandwagon… well actually I think I jumped off it whole heartedly! I was tempted by everything and because I felt like I had been good then I deserved to slack off and eat what I wanted and drink what I wanted. Just take a look at my pics, I think that you can tell. I am embedding this feeling into my mind. It’s the feeling of disappointment. I am disappointed in myself for giving in. Don’t get me wrong, I had a great time eating and drinking and playing up with my mates. However my body didn’t appreciate it. I feel sluggish and guilty. I don’t like those feelings so back on the band wagon next week, actually squat jumping back onto that bandwagon!
Hard parts this week:
All of it! I just didn’t make time to prep meals or exercise so I went back to my old ways of quick and easy food and not as much exercise as I would have liked. I blame my injured ankle for playing a part in my social and party week this week. Oops!
Freeletics Week 7
Bandwagon going along full steam ahead! I have been really good this week, I have been having salad plus protein most days and nights. One night I made a delicious couscous with almonds sprinkled through it. That was delicious! On the exercise front, there have been less burpees this week and I think that has helped motivate me to do the exercises. The pics this week show a slight improvement over last week. My hips are where I am really seeing the difference. My muffin top is slowly melting away.
Hard parts this week:
Actually nothing! I was really motivated this week, I am wondering if my slack week last week was what I needed to get me back on track?