Fitness Transformation Tuesday with Lyn

Continuing with our #fernwoodfitness month, today I'm delighted to introduce you to the lovely Lyn. Transformation Tuesday Lyn

How old are you and please can you share your health and fitness journey to date? My age you ask??? I don't even tell my friends my age and that's the truth!! However, I will let you in on a little secret that I am 45+ and 'blossoming' with thanks to the past few months at Fernwood. Oh, but of course a lot of hard work as well! My health and fitness has been 'up and down' (so to speak ) over the past few years but nothing compared to what I experienced at the end of last year and early 2014. Yes, I had participated in other Fernwood challenges before with reasonable results but it wasn't permanent.  However, this Fernwood Challenge HAD to be a permanent change because NOW my health had deteriorated to the extent that sometimes I could not move my legs when my back 'locked up' - that really scared me. Wow I thought I really have to do something about this.

You see, late last year i was diagnosed with Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis (mainly in my back and knees) - I was NOT going to go on steroids and decided I was going to improve my health through good eating and exercise. However, just simple exercise was a challenge within itself at first as I had limited movement. The first month of the Fernwood Challenge I mainly sat on a bike and pedalled my little heart out. I also did my personal training sessions every week - very carefully though at first until I got stronger. And happy to say, STRONGER I got - yes indeed, from not being able to get up off the floor in a Body Balance back in March this year on the very first day of the Challenge - I persevered. My perseverance paid off with amazing results now over 22 kilos lighter and 142cm lost from my body - I could not be happier. The comments from other people especially those who haven't seen me for a while are fantastic. "Wow, you look ten years younger!" And who doesn't want top hear those sorts of comments - I will take them with cherries on top!!!

What types of foods did you used to eat as a kid and young adult? What's changed since then? The types of food I ate as a child and young adult were always reasonably healthy - I was never overweight as a kid - a lot of 'meat and three veg' was standard and I would usually eat healthy meals whilst at school because usually these were brought from home. I think what changed in my adult life was the introduction of too many take-out meals which became an easy and quick option after a day at work. Also, snack foods became a part of my life - mainly savoury like the cheeses and 'naughty dips' which are so easy to eat too much of!!! Especially with a glass of 'vino blanco'.

Do you play any sports or what sports do you like watching? I did play a lot of sports at primary school - netball, softball and athletics until I reached secondary school whereby it gradually petered out and was replaced with the arts - loved my music and drama. I began performing in music festivals and drama productions for which I won awards for.

What are your interests, passion and what makes you smile? Theatre, music, films, art - love it all. I especially loved performing comedy - there was always something special about making an audience laugh out loud. That always put a smile on my face (sometimes an inward smile if I couldn't break out of character on stage) - seeing others smiling and happy is very gratifying. it's an amazing experience.

What was the catalyst that sparked your lifestyle change? The catalyst was two-fold - mainly my health but also my weight gain which was making my blood pressure go through the roof.  I would get 'stuck' just merely leaning forward to pick up the washing basket and as previously mentioned getting up and down off the floor was a difficult process.

What are some of your dreams/goals you hope to achieve over the next 12 months? I would like to continue on my journey getting stronger and, happy to say, lighter. I am still working on building up my muscle mass and bringing down my body fat - and well on the way with these. I would like to go overseas again - I have travelled quite extensively but I would like to do another couple of trips over the next twelve to eighteen months. I also had another goal of returning to acting classes which I have already done. I now participate in these two nights a week with the eventual goal of returning to professional paid employment - watch this space guys and gals - stay tuned for a 'crazy blonde' to reach your screens or theatre near you!

What tips would you like to share with my readers about your transformation? I would say my tips are as follows:

  • have a plan with goals set (and believe you can do it even when you begin to have doubts)
  • commit to that plan (even sometimes when you are not feeling up to it) and
  • reward yourself along the way - mine was incorporated theatre, a good film or a nice glass of 'champers'. Reward yourself with whatever works for YOU!!

Believe me, if you stick to the plan, IT WORKS! And for me, the Fernwood plan worked !! Seriously, just DO IT!

List your social media if you would like people to follow you Twitter Facebook Oh, and of course, the big screen (lol) for the gorgeous comical blonde - lol again


Thanks, Lyn, for sharing. You are truly inspirational!

I’d love to feature YOUR transformation story, click here to share your journey.

Much love and friendship,


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