Fitness gear by Pink Sun Active Wear Brazil
There are a number of factors to consider when deciding upon an outfit to workout in. For me, the practicalities of fit, movement and comfort are very closely followed by style. If I’m going to bust out a sweat, I certainly don’t want to feel daggy doing it! I’m convinced that feeling confident in stylish fitness gear is one motivator to stepping up the exercise efforts and I’m always keenly on the lookout for some fresh gear.
You know I would be tempted when Active Wear Brazil queried whether I’d like to road test their latest Pink Sun gear ....
A look at their website had me drooling with work-out clothes that were creative in bold designs and luscious colors. Um, so yes please ... I was very quick to agree to trying out the Pink Sun brand.
It’s always nice to receive compliments and I’ve been totally amazed by the number of people who’ve noticed and asked me about the Pink Sun Active gear. Because it’s different from the styles you’re likely to purchase in a mainstream store, it’s a great brand if you want a fresh new look or to make a real statement as you sweat it out.
Here's me live in the Pink Sun active range.
Of course style is one thing, but good performance is a crucial factor too. The garments are quality – the leggings are constructed from 3 fabrics and feel firm without being restrictive. This is so good for holding everything in, but the key to their great performance is the super stretch, which still allows for heaps of movement when working up a sweat.
After some decent testing to put this gear through its paces, I found it to be super flexible and it allowed for heaps of movement without compromising on comfort. It really is the total package: extremely comfortable and stylish too!
Can you see the flexibility?
Pink Sun really makes for an energizing workout. Looking and feeling great in gear that’s easy to wear it puts another spring into your step, don’t you think? What are the key elements you look for when shopping for new active wear?
There’s a huge range of styles, designs and glorious colors and much more can be found on their site at http://activewearbrazil.com. au/ . They’ve an active fan page with daily gallery snapshots you can check too here on their Facebook page.
Much love and friendship, XxDani