Fit Yummy Mummy Transformation Challenge ~ Week Two
Did workout B in the Transformation Kit handbook and managed to do the maximum reps and 4 sets. So you can say I was sweating my backside off!!! The goblet squats, I love but that SB (swiss ball) jackknife move gets me every time. I should be on Australia's funniest home videos. You'd crack up for sure!
Breakfast Raspberry porridge with yogurt and walnuts
Ingredients Oats Milk Raspberries sprinkle of cinnamon
Method Cook oats either stove top or microwave with preferred milk and sprinkle of cinnamon. Once soft and fluffy, add frozen (or fresh raspberries) and cook for a further 5 minutes. Enjoy with a dollop of yogurt and a drizzle of honey!
Not sure why my breakfast picture looks purple but I can assure you that the porridge was red. I cooked it last night (as pictured above) so perhaps over night they all just decided to turn purple :-) Morning snack Polenta and feta grilled with hummus and sun-dried tomatoes
Ingredients Chickpeas (canned) Olive oil Sun-dried tomatoes Tahini Lemon juice Garlic Salt Method Blitz all ingredients. I just add more of lemon juice or tahini as the mix is blending in the blender, until I get my preferred taste.
Lunch 4 beans mixed salad Afternoon snack Banana and blueberry pancakes
You'll love me for this recipe as I have given you my actual measurements today :-)
Ingredients 1 large banana 2 eggs sprinkle of cinnamon dash of vanilla essence
Method 1. Mash banana with a fork 2. Beat eggs, add vanilla and cinnamon 3. Mix batter to combine all ingredients, pour batter into non stick fry pan and place blueberries on top 4. Heat griller and once base of pancake is cooked place under griller to cook onto
I posted this recipe last month as a wonderful school Mum gave me the 2 simple ingredients. Since then I have obviously incorporated my touches and worked out that the flipping is ever so delicate, hence the solution to place it under the griller!
Serve with natural yogurt. The kids inhaled these!!!
This is how I roll when I make my dinners, whatever I shop for the week eg: seasonal fruit and vegetables either on special or reasonably priced (I never buy anything that is overly priced or not in season as I made the mistake one time when cooking a zucchini dish and spent a premium, over $8 on zucchini's!!! That's like getting half a kilo of mince meat!). Never again.
So when cooking tonight, these were the ingredients in my fridge which gave me the fritter cakes idea.
Okay, I'm off to bed my beautiful people as I have promised myself to get to bed most nights before midnight!!! I hope you had a sensational day and I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!!!!
Xx Dani