Fit Yummy Mummy Challenge - Week 6
Hello everyone, I hope you are all travelling beautifully and have had a fabulous week. I have been blown away with yoga lately. I have never been to a class, sure I have stretched in some kind of yoga movement before but I am really getting into this October Yoga Challenge on Instagram and the kids are loving it too. I would highly recommend those on Instagram to come participate as it's been such a wonderful experience for all of us here. Click on my Instagram + ME link on the right side of this page and check out growsoulbeautiful.
This is called the tree pose and I was fortunate to practise first thing in the morning and late afternoon. I love the fact that our 7 year old, Noah was such a fabulous photographer who suggested I do these poses outside in our backyard!
Workouts I have done my Fit Yummy Mummy exercises from the Transformation Kit this week in conjunction with these yoga poses as stretches or warms up before my actual workouts. I have still been very slack with increasing my weights so when I was doing my DB swings I knew it wasn't challenging me. So I really need to make these next couple of weeks count if I want to increase more strength and muscle definition. I can't believe week 6 is nearly ending and we only have another 3 weeks until the challenge finishes!!!
Breakfast Strawberry pear porridge
I make this type of porridge most mornings as it's super quick (under 10mins) and I typically have the staple ingredients in the pantry ready to go!
Ingredients 1 can of pears (no added sugar) 10 fresh strawberries slice oats cinnamon vanilla essence milk
Method Pour all juices and pears into a saucepan Add strawberries and oats Pour milk Add cinnamon and vanilla essence Stir frequently and.... Cook until creamy and fluffy
Morning snack PWOS 180 Nutrition coconut protein drink Yogurt granola
Here is the fabulous recipe I based my granola bars on the other day. Please note that I just used what was in my pantry here and didn't specifically buy the ingredients to make this granola. I also didn't use any sugar.
The beautiful people at Kamalaya Koh Samui were kind enough to give me the recipe (which they posted on Facebook) to their granola bar. Thankfully YOU HAVE the measurements for those that know I still DO NOT measure anything. I hope you enjoy them!!!
Lunch Tuna salad Afternoon snack Hummus dip with wholemeal crackers, veggie sticks and 2 hard boiled eggs Dinner Burgers served with salad, eggs and wholemeal bread
Ingredients 500gms of both beef and pork mince 1 clove of garlic minced (I usually add an onion but I was out!) grated carrots & celery (or whatever vegetables I have in the fridge) a handful of fresh parsley and oregano herbs chopped wholemeal bread soaked in milk sprinkle of curry powder 2 eggs S&P
Method Mix all ingredients into a bowl and shape into burgers. In this case I simply placed them in my casserole dish with a layer of baking paper (parchment paper) even though my dish is a fantastic non stick one, it still helps with the washing up process :-)
Well I do hope you all enjoy the next few days and have a fabulous weekend. I look forward to seeing you again real soon.
Xx Dani