Favourite Five this Friday - November 15
You'll never guess .... but once more I'm off on a work trip - just busy, busy, busy these last few weeks! Keep an eye on Instagram and Facebook for some snippets about what I'm up to now, and who I've got coming your way ;)
Let's get started then and without any further delay, come and join me for a dash back through my week.
Here are five moments that I've found sensational this week, but I'd love to know what YOU have been doing, so be sure to catch up by leaving a comment.
And my memorable moments of the week this Friday are ...
1. This past week I was treated to some of THE most sensational food offerings on the Carnival Cruise. Being the food-loving girl I am, I was seriously in heaven. This was a typical spread - so fresh and delicious!
2. I can't mention the cruise without also remembering the fabulous people I've met this past week. So many fun new friends who I just clicked with instantly. I know I'll keep in touch with them all! Have you met and kept in touch with some people you've met on a short break?
3. Crazy, busy times call for super quick meals. There's nothing wrong with a meal thrown together as quickly as this when it is super nutritious too. Just look what you can do with some tins - tuna, corn and beans - served alongside fresh, leafy greens. Drizzle some olive oil and lemon juice as a dressing ... all in 5 mins! Easy and scrumptious ... it beats a dash to the fish and chip shop any day!
4. As much as it has been a whirlwind week of excitement, it is always fantastic to get back home to my loved ones. My 4 kids and fabulous husband missed me as much as I did them - HEAPS and I loved having Zali as my little shadow the day after I got back.
5. This week, I loved having some fun with my fashion and feeling great in an outfit can give you such a lift of confidence for the whole day. No matter your age or body shape, if you choose clothes that make you feel great everyday you can treat this world as your runway and own it ;)