Facebook 100k Fans Giveaway Winners
What a blast this Facebook competition has been. So happy to share all these amazing products with #TeamDani as you need major love back, for being so amazing to me!!!! Thanks for all your love and support and helping me reach a milestone over in Facebook land, 100,000 followers!!! WHOOSH! Awesomeness right there. It simply means I get to share what I love with you daily, and give some healthy food ideas you and your family can enjoy, and of course help you keep fit and motivated! Without further adieu, here are our lucky winners!
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!
If you're one of the lucky winners, spread the good news and love with your friends by;
- Taking a selfie with the product (or just the product if you're camera shy)
- Hashtag the product and #TeamDani
- Include our handles @1danistevens (product's handle on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram)
Thank you and most of all enjoy! I look forward to hearing your feedback.