Eggceptional Snowmen
The kids are getting really excited about Christmas! It's been a busier time than usual for our family of six as we get around to unpacking all of our things, decorating the house, and walking around the town to look at all the lights and decked-out christmas trees. The kids have also been helping me to make christmas treats to share with all their friends! Of course, Christmas in Australia falls during the summer so there's definitely no snow around... so I was excited when I came across this cute idea for boiled egg snowmen here on RoxysKitchen.com. Eggs make the center body, with carrots for hats and noses, coriander for hands and peppercorns for the buttons - how creative!
Image source: RoxysKitchen.com
I had every intention of making these with the kids, but alas - I ended up with a wry neck and in desperate need for some bed rest! But being the brilliant geniuses my kids are (they are all these things and more in my eyes), they took initiative... and wow am I blown away by their results!! The top of the tomato makes for a great cap, and peppercorn buttons can be replaced with raisins, or even dried papaya seeds!
This genuinely made mummy-bed-head's day :). Mietta you are a star!
I love how these are made out of hard boiled eggs (and not out of snow!), as they're not only easy to make, but they're soo good for you for several reasons:
- Lots of protein for your muslces: full of protein, eggs are great for when you don’t want to have to resort to eating meat. One large egg contains more than 6g of protein.
- Stabilizes cholesterol and regulates insulin: eggs are an excellent supply of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Eating these fats rather than saturated fats is great to stabilize your blood cholesterol and regulate insulin in your blood - making it great for you if you have type 2 diabetes. The egg whites also usually have lower amounts of fat.
- Keeps your vision sharp - they're full of vitamin A, which is great for eyes and lessens your risk of night blindness
- Keeps your bones strong - eggs are a great source of vitamin B, which promotes the absoption of calcium and regulates levels in your blood - so that your skeleton gets everything it needs!
Not only inexpensive, these snowmen are also super easy to make. To boil your eggs to perfection, get some water in a pot and drop your eggs in when the water is rapidly boiling. It helps to make sure the eggs are completely covered in the water. Of course, the time you cook them for will depend on a) how soft or hard boiled you like your eggs, b) How big your eggs are (the snowmen uses both large and smaller eggs but my kids improvised!) and how many eggs are in the pot, and c) whether your eggs are coming straight from the fridge or are at room temperature.
This great illustration from Marc at norecipes.com works as a good guideline for timing your eggs (and there's some very thorough information on his page if you're a perfectionist to your eggs - whether runny or set!)
Image Source: NoRecipes.com
Have you tried these, or any other cute christmas creations in the kitchen? Share it with us!