Dear Dani
I got asked the other day; "Dani why do you do, what you do?"
Without hesitation I said "I want to help and inspire people to be the best they can be!" Now I know if you are reading my post for the first time, it sounds a little self indulgent, however if you have been following me for a while you'll know I have been here sharing my life with you for the past two years. My goal is to give some inspiration to assist in making the right choices in your life. Whether it be fitness, food or general lifestyle.
The below email totally blew me away! It is pretty much the entire ethos of my brand and I am so happy to share it with you. Sorry Liz it's taken me this long to post and my sincerest thanks for taking time to write me.
I love you.
Dear Dani,
A huge thank you is owed for the inspiration you have given me over the last few years. Ever since I began following you on insta I was in awe and totally inspired. Here you were, a mum of FOUR!!! This every day (/extraordinary!) person making AMAZING THINGS HAPPEN and CHANGING LIVES!!!
I have always been one to follow a healthy lifestyle with exercise and healthy eating, but the biggest life changer came through YOUR ability to influence BIG things as an everyday mum. Wow! How do you find the time?!
It was the #TeamDani Spirit that I couldn’t shake. It was my strong following of your aspirations that made me go, you know what I can do this too!
Dream it. Believe it. Do It.
YOU can do it. YOU can do anything.
So, I decided to jump into the deep end. I began a charity campaign for Alzheimer’s called G UP, hoping to raise $10, 000 for Alzheimer’s Australia Dementia Research Foundation (AADRF).
For years I had been toying with the idea of doing a charity run and it wasn’t until my grandad became quite sick with his dementia that the idea fully formed. This year would mark G’s 87th year of life, and coincidentally, a nearby town, Ayr was approximately 87km from Townsville. I went to my family the following day with the proposition to do an 87km team relay run from Ayr to Townsville in G’s honour, to raise some much needed funds to support individuals and families with Alzheimer’s and Dementia and they all jumped on board. Since then, close family friends have joined our G Up Team and we have raised a collective $6,000 to date for AADRF!
It seemed like an impossible goal when the campaign began – $10, 000 was a hell of a lot of money to pull together. So I just started plodding along.
Cadbury fundraisers, Entertainment memberships, community walks, local sausage sizzles, online campaign page, and many, many, many calls and emails to businesses, colleagues, friends, print media and radio trying to raise awareness and funds.
At times it seemed too hard to do, but with the encouragement of like-minded people along the way, the tiniest initiatives or suggestions would set me off on a new tangent for fundraising!
Our $10,000 goal is now in reach… As is the opportunity to change the future of Alzheimer’s and Dementia.
Finally, the campaign is gaining momentum. People are talking. Alzheimer's is getting a voice. It’s a chance to speak up and talk about the true tragedy of this awful disease. If we can create a movement, create talk, and influence others, maybe people will start to realize not only the effect on the individual, and the suffering family who watch their loved one slip away, but a chance to bring Alzheimer’s to the forefront of the Australian community. This is a disease that effects most people in Australia, and the treatment and care for people with Alzheimer’s and Dementia is poor, to say the least.
How do you make your dreams and goals a reality? Join the #TeamDani movement! Just START. Start now. Believe in yourself, follow your dreams and goals. Make a start, continue on the path to achieve it and it will come.
Dani, never stop being you - as a motivator, a doer, a mum of 4 and a health enthusiast. You are an ABSOLUTE inspiration.
Liz xx