Day 3 - no sugar (includes tummy shot)
GOOD MORNING MY BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE. How are you on this sun shining day??? It's winter here in Australia for those that are enjoying the beautiful summer time your part of the world ~ excluding my Sth African friends ;-) My Mum went to Serbia last week as she chases the heat for her chronic arthritis which she has suffered most of her life, so she is enjoying the massive heat wave they're having in Europe.
Okay so how are we all doing? Yes you! Fruits of life crew Celeste ~ how was bootcamp this morning, Tel, Shaboo ~ how are those walks along the beach going? Anita ~ checking your labels today? Kia ~ hope your neck is ok today Music Monkeys, Navita and Jana....hope I haven't missed anyone? Oh yes can't forget my darling children Noah, Oscar and Mietta. They are seriously freaking me out with this no sugar stuff and being so determined to support me all the way!!! I love them to death!!
What about my sugar-less babes Kelly ~ how's the toilet training coming along ;-P Jess and Michael ~ did M end up drinking the lemon cordial? Nicole, Sheri ~ good luck with your new FB page, Michelle ~ hows my fav vegetarian/slowly eating meat girlfriend??? Karen and Kathy from FYM land ~ I'll be there soon xxx
It's been pretty good here I must say. As long as I am creative with the smoothies, jams (no cane sugar) and various fruits the kids and I don't seem to miss it much. It's more the sugar that's loaded in general foods like our tomato sauce AKA ketchup, flavoured tin tuna cans, breakfast cereals etc....
Drop me a line to let me know how you are going.
So far I did my Transformation Challenge Kit workout and it got my blood pumping. Seriously how does a back step lunge with a kick give you so much perspiration??? Then I had my post workout drink and breaky as Adrian had to go to work and I planned for my 15 minute interval training when the kids had their mid morning bath! You gotta be creative when managing 4 kids under 6 years over the school holidays to fit in your workout. I can find a million excuses not to work out but that old Dani has long gone now....
Breakfast Home made bircher muesli (simply soak oats overnight with grated rind of lemon/oranges, I squeezed the juice as well) cinnamon, seeds of any kind, sultanas and any extra milk if required)
Morning snack Mandarin with almond
Lunch Chicken & vegetable pasta (wholemeal) soup and kids had English muffins toasted with Vegemite and the others with jam. Yes they're still sticking to their no sugar challenge as this is fruit (which is allowed) and has no added cane sugar!!!!
Afternoon snack Cherries with yogurt
Dinner TBA either pumpkin soup or tuna, spinach, olive, feta and sundried tomato concoction :-)))
I'll be back to post my tummy shots (even though its already day 3). I just want to see if there is a difference eliminating sugar in my day to day meals?
Off to our a general wear and tear Chiro visit and play in the park with the kids this afternoon xxxDani * * * * UPDATE * * * * Okay I am back!!! Had an unexpected play date/visit at my cousins (Adrian's side of the family) after our chiropractor check up this afternoon. Came home at 6pm so whipped up dinner in 15 minutes!! All good at the Chiro although my back was twisted on my lower disc & muscle pinching the nerve blah! blah! (hence the bad lower back pain last week and no run as I thought it may have been the high impact). The DR said it shouldn't stop me from running and suggested I top up on magnesium which will also help me with my stitch next time I run ;-)))) I had to tell her about that, she laughed as I showed her how I ran with my hand held to the side and the other arm straight up in the air!!! Classic!!
Okay....remember how I said dinner was either going to be pumpkin soup or something spinachy, feta-ish etc....well this is what I had in the fridge (sliced mushrooms, eggs, spinach, tomato, feta & eggs). So what did I make that was quick and easy and very appealing for my family?
An omelete pizza ;-))) AKA frittata
Simply fry up bacon, mushrooms and spinach. Mix eggs, feta and chopped tomato. Pour into bacon mix once brown and allow base to cook. Then place under the griller. All these ingredients are under $10 so it's a pretty affordable and nutritional meal for a family of 6!!!
Oh yes, just wanted to compare what my tummy will look like post the 2 week "sugar free" challenge. I know it's Day 3 already but it will be interesting to see the changes.
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4 July 2012 day 3 sugar free challenge ~ front |
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4 July 2012 day 3 sugar free challenge ~ side |