Dani's Highlight 2014 : Jamie Oliver Joins #FoodiePhotoaDay Challenge

You know how much I love Jamie Oliver. I'm sure most of you think he is pretty amazing too. With his infectious media personality and influence in the kitchen, he has transformed the way we feed ourselves and our children. I will never forget the 5 words he said at his TED talk;

Jamie Oliver - Teach every child about food

So Jamie, thank you for those simple words that make me the wonderful mother I am today. Teaching our children everyday about the goodness of wholefoods is one of my passions. 2014 was amazing! Super excited for all the things coming in 2015!

I must say when you dream big, they come true right? One of my BIGGEST highlights in 2014 was when Jamie and his Food Tube team joined my November Challenge. I was totally blown away and I would like to thank each and every one of you for sharing your amazing recipes with me especially Danny, DJ BBQ, French Guy Cooking, Food Busker and sensational Bart. To check out these awesome guys, click here.

I loved seeing all the #FoodiePhotoaDay pictures and please keep posting as it's great to see all the amazing food you create.

Here's just a few of the Jamie Oliver's Food Tube entries:

Jamie Oliver joining FoodiePhotoADay


Day 19  - Ice Cream Day 21  - Pizza Day 22 - Creamy Day 24  - Smells Delicious Day 25 -  Breakfast

Have you joined this month's challenge? To be a part of the growing #teamdani community join today so you never miss a post and awesome giveaways!

Xx Dani


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