Dani Loves Sarah Wilson's I Quit Sugar
The Food component of DaniStevens.com focuses very much on wholesome, real food that is quick to prepare and nutritious. You’ll know by now that I’m not into fussy ingredients or elaborate preparation – just easy food that provides maximum energy. In our household, it pretty much means our day-to-day eating involves no added sugar.
I’ve now done a couple of “No Added Sugar” challenges here, and they are amongst the most popular. Hundreds of people have been motivated to join these challenges and it’s always such a buzz to hear reader feedback saying how much better they have felt as a result of eliminating added sugars.
One of the people who has really inspired me with our move to sugar free is Sarah Wilson of the (I Quit Sugar) 8-week Program. I’ve done it myself and loved it so much I became an affiliate and promote it as a great way of getting into the sugar-free zone.
With so many people loving the benefits of a no-sugar or reduced-sugar lifestyle, the phenomenon has expanded to include fantastic recipe books with hundreds of recipes for delicious no-added sugar snacks, meals and drinks.
I’m always pleased to promote the program, as it’s come in so handy for transitioning our 4 kids to a low-sugar lifestyle. Truly, if I can hold rocking kids’ parties with no-added sugar birthday cakes and healthy, fun treats, then it’s a way of life you can adopt with your family too! Our thriving kids are completely used to eating like this and actually don’t really enjoy the taste of sugary sweets now at all!
Buy your copy of IQS, you won't regret it.