Angelina Jolie's mastectomy and my ride to conquer cancer. Will you help me?
Dani Stevens from Fitness Food And Style to ride for RTCC |
Courage is the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation. Physical courage is courage in the face of physical pain, hardship, death, or threat of death, while moral courage is the ability to act rightly in the face of popular opposition, shame, scandal, or discouragement.
Angelina had an 87% risk of getting breast cancer so she opted to get a mastectomy. You can read all about it HERE. What got me is was what she wrote;
"I can tell my children they don't need to fear they will lose me to breast cancer".
Which made me think, I don't want to be that statistic and certainly don't want to be doing something when it's too late.
That is why I am doing this and challenging Richard to come join me. Will you please share the love and like this picture with all your family and friends, so I can reach my 1 million likes?
Richard Branson will you ride with us in Australia if I get 1 million likes to end cancer? |
I know there are so many challenges going on out there. The month of May is jam packed including our #ffsphotoaday challenge and the new fab ab core toner.
Dani Stevens ab workout |
I have seriously dropped the ball with my no added sugar and I reckon I've smashed 2 blocks of marvellous cadbury chocolate since my last post. Seriously. I am not joking. I will be taking a before picture so I can be living proof that trying to maintain your fit lifestyle is as hard as trying to lose weight.
Even though the fitness program I follow simply works, as soon as you drop the ball and get into your bad habits, your body changes. It's time to do the amazing transformation challenge workout, come and join me. It's the best 12 weeks of your life.
We are away this weekend in Melbourne for our 7 year wedding anniversary so I look forward to touching base with you all next week.
If you were told you have an 87 percent chance of developing breast cancer, what would you do?
Much love and friendship xxDani