All-Bran apple and walnut muffins

You may recall my FOOD post last week and the various Instagram posts, I got the Bali belly. Correction Bali "BLOATED" belly. I was a glutton, I couldn't control myself. I was on a SEE food diet and don't get me started on the buffets  O U T  O F  C O N T R O L !!!  Just so we are on the same page, check out this pic! AB belly

Okay, so I am pushing my tummy out slightly but it's because it was so bloated and full of gas, I wanted to show you exactly how much!!!  Did you know the small intestine can be carrying up to three litres of gas, the equivalent to my 6 month pregnant looking belly.

I was thrilled when the lovely All-Bran team invited me to be a part of the #7DayChallenge. How could I say no. It's exactly what the doctor ordered after my binge fest in Bali. I invited you all to join me and it was great seeing all your creations. Sure, I am pretty regular in the number two department since embarking my new healthy and fresh food lifestyle. I am a HUGE advocate of Green Smoothies being the solution to my constipation issues over the years, however there are times where my belly just won't function and it needs some serious help.

Bloating is an issue that affects so many of us – in fact All-Bran did some research into it and found that nearly half of Aussie women experience bloating EVERY single week – with nearly 30 per cent of us experiencing it multiple times a week! A diet high in fibre – especially the insoluble stuff – can be a really great way to prevent bloating and a bowl of All-Bran in the morning can be a great source of this.

We typically have Sultana Bran in our pantry as the kids love the sweetness of the sultanas, so Oscar is a regular cereal lover of that. This week we thought we’d try All-Bran as part of the challenge - here are the girls enjoying the original All-Bran for breakfast.


It's been fabulous experimenting with the different morning meals and creating new recipes. Here's my quick morning All-Bran breakfast apple and walnut muffins.

Apple And Walnut Muffins

Allbran muffins



1/2 cup All-Bran 1 1/2 cup Wholemeal flour 1 tbs Chia seeds 3 Eggs 1 tsp Vanilla essence 1/2 cup Grated carrots 1/2 cup Apple puree 1 tbsp Honey Handful of sultanas 1 cup of Natural Greek Yogurt Sprinkle of nutmeg & cinnamon Walnuts, oats and apple slices added on top for decorative purposes



Step 1: Mix wet ingredients with dry

Step 2: Leave the mix overnight in a cool room (or the fridge)

Step 3: BOOM! Muffin mix ready in the morning to bake! Set oven 170C degrees and bake until golden brown.

I ran out of muffin cup holders, so I used baking (parchment) paper and cut them into squares and laid them in and poured the mixture! Nothing beats quick thinking and no mad drive to the supermarket!

The other morning we made some coconut yogurt with fresh fruit All-Bran parfaits. Simply delish!

AB parfait

It's been super fun experimenting with different kinds of recipes every morning, and I hope you too enjoyed the #7DayChallenge. It certainly kick started my digestive system and provided me with the daily fibre (44% of our daily intake). Can't you tell, this is my tummy after 7 days. Nothing beats a great source of soluble and insoluble fibre that's essential for our digestive health!

Allbran 7 Day Challenge

What's your favourite fibre friend?

Much love and friendship,



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