The Best Vegan Bechamel Sauce

Here it is. Pure goodness and it's dairy free. 

Vegan Bechamel Sauce  


1/2 onion halved 

1/2 cup soy milk

1-2 bay leaves

Sprinkle of nutmeg  

1 cup of soaked natural cashews

Salt and pepper  


Soak cashews 1-2 hours in a bowl of water, in a pot add milk with onion, nutmeg and bay leaves. Allow to gently simmer until all the flavours infuse, add salt and pepper to taste.  Strain cashews and set water aside. In a blender place cashews and blend with strained milk. Add more water to get your preferred consistency. 

This works so well with a layered lasagne or mix it up a little with difference spices and it makes a great creamy sweet or savoury sauce.  

I also like making this into a mayo over the weekends with either lemon juice and garlic. 


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