Change The World, Buy Chapter One Thankyou


Gratitude is such an important thing.When was the last time you expressed it someone you cared about and appreciated. I just love, love, love this brilliant campaign from Daniel Flynn, his gorgeous wife Justine, Jarryd Burns and his team at Thankyou. Have you seen it?


If you don’t know Daniel’s name, here’s the basics (or check out our interview here)

In just eight amazing years, Daniel has worked with an incredible team of passionate young entrepreneurs just like him and created a fantastic social enterprise. Thankyou had pretty humble beginnings – it was originally just about stocking bottled water at cafes, Now, it’s continuing to grow and blossom as a brand that also sells food and body products across Australian supermarkets. And the really cool point of difference that is the game-changer? Each product has an ID that allows customers like you to track their global impact with each new purchase.



What’s more amazing is that 100% of its profits are given to fund important, life-saving water, health and food-related charity projects across the globe. In that eight years, Thankyou has raised more than $3.7 million that has gone straight into the hands of communities that need it the most.

I LOVE the concept of crowd-funding so I was really impressed by Daniel’s latest marketing push – all about his book Chapter One.


The idea is so fresh and different – and again, it’s all about community…and YOU.

The tagline? You + this book can change the world.


You should watch the video to find out how.

As I was typing this post this morning, the impressive tally of books sold so far is 12755. That will climb and climb – and I love that people are supporting it so well. Their target for funding for this project is $1.2 million and they are already on their way - $537,946.41 as I’m typing. Go, Daniel!


So where’s this money going?

It’s all about helping our world’s littlest people. All profits Chapter One will go towards Thankyou’s exciting future – launching a Thankyou Baby and Toddler range that will donate 100% of its profits to find maternal and infant health programs around the world – as well as the launch of Thankyou into New Zealand.


I’ve made my contribution. I am so excited to be part of something like this. How about you?

It’s Friday feel good – there’s never a better time to say thankyou to people who really need you.


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