Zucchini and Broccoli Fritters
I used to combine all sorts of vegetables
4-5 zucchini’s grated
1 carrots
1 onion
2 gloves of crushed garlic
1 tsp pizza topping (oregano, basil, thyme)
1 tbs Macro Broccoli Powder
1 cup whole meal flour
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
Fresh ground black pepper and salt to taste
- Grate zucchini’s, onion, garlic and carrot or use a food processor. Season with salt and allow access water to drain in a strainer or colander. Ensure you squeeze all the juice out before using.
- To make a chia egg, mix a 1 tablespoon of chia seeds in 4-5 tablespoons of water stirring consistently until all the chia’s have separated. Allow this mixture to set into a gel form approx. 10 minutes.
- Combine spices and the chia egg together and intergrate with the grated vegetables and fold in flour for a nice batter consistency (check my Instagram stories).
- Heat a large pan with olive oil and gently add tablespoons of mixture and press down gently with a fork to flatten. Cook until golden and serve with chutney or mint yoghurt.
These are so fantastic for kids school snacks and lunches and of course left over for the next day for us adults with a side salad.
Happy Monday!
365 Lifestyle Motivator