Vegan Macadamia Cauliflower Soup with Leak
Delicious and super quick, even Adrian can make it. I sent him a text tonight from another room as I was in the moment with Oscar...
"Babe, I'm reading with Oz. Pls chop up leak and onion. Sauté with coconut oil, wash cauliflower and dice up and place in pot. Top up with boiling water, add stock, salt and pepper. I'll do the rest xx"
Vegan Macadamia Cauliflower Soup with Leak
What a champion! I have the best husband in the world. Plus we added cannellini beans and macadamia nuts for that extra creamy texture! And blitzed it with a hand blender. Grabbed some fresh parsley from our garden and dinner was done within half an hour.
Health benefits in tonight's dinner;
Cauliflower is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, pantothenic acid, and vitamin B6. It is a very good source of choline, dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, manganese, phosphorus, and biotin.
Macadamia nuts are filled with vitamin A, iron, B vitamins, manganese and folate, as well as protein, healthy fats and antioxidants.
Cannellini beans are our powerhouse protein friends and we love them as they are versitile for our soups, dips and sauces.
You can watch more of our day here;
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