Vegan Cheese Pita Gibanica Pie
This is a family staple and we either call it gibanica (ghee-barn-eetsa) on my Serbian side or pita (pee-tar) in Croatian and in English, it's simply called a pie.
Since omitting the classic sour cream, full cream milk, ricotta and feta cheese in this recipe I have substituted it with a dairy free healthier option. The flavours and combination are delicious. It's not the normal tasting Serbian and Croatian family classic dish we grew up on but living in 2019, times are changing and I am making small changes to reduce our carbon footprint along with healthy choices.
Vegan Cheese Pita Gibanica Pie
serves 6-8 people

BTW the word filo is Greek for 'leaf', though it also has origins in the Middle East and of course our Southern European and Balkan region.
I hope you give this a go. It's a great alternative and it's not as fatty as our traditional cheese pies we used to eat back in the day.
Happy Thursday!