New World Order

Kinda feeling like the Earth just sent us all to our rooms to think about what we’ve done.“

Who pressed the reset button?

If you have ever wanted some time out, you’ve got it. We have all the time in the world as this reset button has been pressed, for some of us it’s what we have all been waiting for a very long time.

Most of us will have time to reassess what is truly important in our lives. When everything else stops, what keeps going?

Our dreams or fears? Change is inevitable, it’s already happening around us. It is up to us to embrace it or suppress it. I know I would much rather evolve and change the way the world has been running, and be more connected with people. The hustle of everybody working and needing to be the best entrepreneur and making six figures, burning out and being unhealthy/ unhappy really isn’t sustainable.

Don’t get me started with our innocent animals, and beautiful Mother Nature, she has suffered long enough with all our single use plastic, gas emissions and climate change. 

The two major fear factors going around us at the moment are, death and money. People are literally dying at a rapid pace from Covid-19 and losing their jobs. I should know first-hand, as Adrian called me (when he went up the street to grab us all an ice cream the other night) and said;

”Babe, I’ve just been fired!” 

I couldn’t believe my ears! He’s spent close to six months with this company, building his pipeline, with exceptional customer relationships and rapport.  He recently phoned me after his performance review to tell me how much his management team valued him, his leads and contacts and what an incredible asset he is to the company.

I was so proud of him.  He’d finally found a work environment that truly valued and recognised him for all the skills and strengths he brought to the role. 

The line was silent after that..... Adrian was completely gobsmacked! All I said was;

“Honey I am so sorry to hear your news. Come home, let’s eat ice cream. Everything will be okay. I love you.”

A very good friend of ours reached out the next day to double check with Fair Trade; apparently you cannot get fired “effective immediately” due to the coronavirus without entitlements.

That day he was contacted again by his boss stating the reason for his termination which was due to “bad performance”.

Nothing made sense!   

Coronavirus covid-19 quote Dani Stevens

The only thing that truly makes sense is that we, as a community, need to come together and help each other. I know the government is also assisting families financially, we are hoping the banks place our mortgage on a 3-6 month holiday because realistically, all we really need is food and a roof over our heads. Everything else is superficial.  The Old World went crazy!!!! 

This is the greatest opportunity I know in my lifetime (I’ve been here for 46 years) to embrace equality. Everyone in the world stands equal together today. This virus doesn’t judge colour, race, religion, gay, straight or the location we live in. Now is the time to go within and really find “our true selves.” Spiritual growth is where it’s at, we have been way too busy trying to make money, look beautiful and be part of some institution when our spiritual self is what we need to focus on.

This is what will guide us into the now and future, the nature of our mind. 

Life is ever changing with many emotions.  It’s our time to navigate into the “unknown” and when our jobs are removed, or there’s no more botox, alcohol, smoking, hair dyes, gyms and all the other many distractions: WHO ARE WE without all these things?

Solitary confinement is the answer for all of life’s lessons and growth. Learn who you truly are and what you need to do to move forward. Learn from your past, what was working, what wasn’t, was work stressing you out, living with someone or somewhere you couldn’t afford, buying clothes or driving cars that didn’t leave you much cash at the end of the week?

This spiritual pause is a gift of a lifetime. Honour it and learn as much as you can. Connect with everyone that is wanting to help you from your yoga, meditation teacher or healers online are offering free sessions to help people teach how to build our spiritual muscle. 

All our kids are home and we have been given access to online learning, so I’m kinda loving this New World. I knew a recession was coming, we were all warned that it would sweep around the world quickly but it’s left our household unprepared – let’s be honest, it’s left everybody shocked worldwide.

So take charge and action this week, write the list of things that you have always wanted to do; 

A New Skill

That Family Catch Up (via Skype)

Learn A New Language

Learn To Play An Instrument

Tidy and Repair Your Home 

Clean Out Your Pantry

Go for Long Family Walks, Explore Nature

Spend Time With Your Family

Creative and Relaxing Fun

Science Learning 

Reading Books Out loud Together 

Exercises and Dancing 

This list is never ending...... 

What will you choose to do in any of your spare time now for YOU?



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