Avocado Legumes Mix Salad under 10 minutes
These are the types of dishes I love creating when it comes to fast food made with jam packed nutrients!
It is such a simple pantry staple in our family home, you'll love it as a hero salad, side serve or even in a wrap.
Legumes is packed with goodness, yet often overlooked. Legumes are plant-based foods and include beans (such as baked beans), chickpeas, lentils and split peas. They are high in fibre, a source of protein and full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. In fact legumes help nourish our body with B vitamins, iron (non-heme), phosphorous, zinc, calcium, magnesium and folate.
Avocado single serve of avocado (1/4 or 50g) boasts healthy fats, fibre, folate, niacin, vitamins C, B5, E & K, potassium and antioxidants. This amazing fruit can also boost the nutrition of other healthy foods.
Spinach is an excellent source of vitamins A, B2 and B6, C and K (important for helping your blood to clot). It also contains minerals such as iron, potassium (which helps to regulate blood pressure) and manganese (involved in the regulation of brain and nerve function). Spinach contains dietary fibre, which is important for a healthy bowel. Energy – 100 g of spinach supplies 50 kJ.
We know spinach was the muscle power food for Popeye right? I just read French soldiers in World War I, when weak from losing lots of blood were given wine fortified with spinach juice.
Avocado Legumes Mix Salad

Ingredients (serves 6)
1 packet of spinach and rocket salad
2 cans of lentil
2 cans of chickpeas
2 cans of sweet corn
200gm olives
2-3 avocados
1 juice of lemon
1 crushed garlic
1/2 tsp rice malt syrup
2tbsp olive oil
Wash salads, open and wash legumes, corn and add into a salad bowl with olives, cut avocados in chunks or smashed, mix lemon juice, olive oil, garlic with rice malt syrup and pour over salad. Mix until all the goodness is combined and ready to eat under 10 minutes!
For more simple and nutritional meals you can create with avocado's, try my Avocado Tofu and Mushroom breakfast and delicious Avocado Bruschetta.
Have a sensational day!