Jump Rope Routine
Gosh skipping brings back so many childhood memories, our kids love it and I’m still learning to improve and crack the coordination code 😆 by focusing just on my feet not what I’m cooking for dinner tonight, did I put a load of washing in and whatever else is running through my mind.
It’s also of the greatest ways to increase your cardiovascular health not to mention it;
- Burns Major Calories
- Improves Bone Density
- Improved Breathing Efficiency
- Decreases Foot and Ankle Injuries
- Improves Coordination
- Completely Portable and Fun
- Improves Cardiovascular Health
- Makes You Smarter
My Friday fitness feature is David from Runners Blue Print sharing his favorite jump rope routines:
Forward jump (basic jump)
Swing the rope over your head and jumps over it with both feet on every rotation. Make sure you’re not jumping too high, just high enough to clear the rope.
Continue for one to two minutes, then recover for 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise.
Alternate-foot Jump
Instead of hopping over the rope, alternate the feet as if running in place. Stay on the balls of the feet the entire time. Continue for one to two minutes to finish one round.
Side-to-side Jumps
While opting for the basic jump, jump a few inches from side to side, using both feet. Continue for one minute to finish one round.
Double Jump
Jump high enough in the air, or swing it fast enough, to pass the rope under the feet twice before landing. Continue for 30 to 60 seconds to complete one set.
Single Foot Hops
Start hopping over the jump rope with the right foot for 30 seconds, then switch to the left foot and repeat. Be sure to switch sides without stopping. Aim for one-minute hops on each foot.
So go on grab a skipping/jump rope and bring back som childhood memories back build strength, and increase overall muscle tone.
Happy Friday!