Welcome To My Time Saver 15 minute meals and 20 minute workouts

It's official. My new Time Saver Program powered by Voome is here. Everything you need from 15 minute meals that taste terrific along with workouts you can do in the comfort of your own home in 20 minutes.

My most popular question I get asked daily is how I manage a household of 6 people and stay so motivated and positive.

Life can get a little hectic but I've placed all my advice and life learnings into this program to help you live a happy and healthy life too.

Time Saver Launch  

What a brilliant morning in Sydney! Thanks to everyone that came, ate, laughed and worked out. It was so lovely meeting you.  

Standing beside this massive self poster of mine. 

All these delicious recipes are available on the Voome program. With 4 weeks of jam packed regular and plant based recipes combined with my home based workouts with lifetime access for only $39.95.

Our panel of experts Co-Founder Amelia Phillips (co-founder of Michelle Bridges 12WBT) Tim and Steph Prem winter Olympic snowboard champion. 

You've gotta make these super simple bliss balls with all your favourite nuts and dried fruits. 

BIG love and thanks to Mandy from Diamond Kicks for my amazing rockstar Nike BLING runners! Check out her Instagram page for more bling runners. There's no runner she can't bling! 

So many delicious breakfast meal options all regular and plant based recipes available in my Time Saver Program too. 

Smile, it looks good on you and doesn't cost a thing. I couldn't stop smiling all day. 

An awesome Pilates session by Steph Prem.

For more fun and smiles watch my day here.  

Keep an eye out in this week's newsletter as I announce 5 lucky winners to try out my 4 week Time Saver Program.  

Good luck! 


365 Lifestyle Motivator