My Top Vegan Valentines Day Treats

Yes, another year and I keep falling in love more and more with this day. Tell a lie. I fall in love with everyday of my life. I just love being alive. Period. "Flowers are like friends, they make you smile every time you see them."

Happy Valentines Day, thank you Sonia from Captured The Moments for this beautiful flower arrangement.

Here's just a few of my fave treats we can eat today less the guilt, no added refined sugar, no dairy and no eggs.

Raspberry Cheesecake By Lucia The Thriving Elephant 

Creamy Vegan Fudge By Nisha from Rainbow Plant Life 

Buckwheat pancakes by Taline from Hippie Lane

And my fellow Food Revolution sista

Flower Petal Mars Bars by Bettina from Bettina's Kitchen 

I'm truly blessed to be connected with these amazing humans who have made my plant based journey such a smooth transition.

I love you dearly and especially this beautiful poem from my talented friend LJ Charleston.


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