Monday Motivation, plank challenge and 10,000 steps

Happy Monday! We are slowly unpacking and enjoying our beautiful new beach home. Have I told you how many times I've got to pinch myself?

My life long dream and ambition to live by the ocean and now it's a reality. Hard work pays off but so does my daily mantra;

I'm getting so excited preparing for my "Visionary For A Fairer Future" conference @deakinuniversity in Geelong this weekend. Even Zali will be on stage with me to share these 3 principals I teach our kids daily. For more come check out our ๐Ÿ‘ป snaps. XxDani Your 365 Fitness Food Motivator

It's true! Really. WE are the ones that can make it happen. If I can do it, so can you. I share this daily on my social channels ...

My little key note speakers are helping me practise my motivational talk over the weekend. Priceless.....Noah said "You'll be amazing Mum, you make your dreams happen!" Tag your #dreambeliever friends and share this message! XxDani Your 365 Fitness Food Motivator #dailydani


What's your dream? Ambition? Goal this week?

We had a sensational day today from 10,000 steps to sushi and chips on the beach and who can forgot Pokemon GO is the latest at our place!ย Here's our day in a nutshell;

Make today AMAZING! And don't forget our planks challenge!

Tag your #PlankChallenge to #ds365 ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ Only 3 minutes per day!!! Break them up 30 seconds x6 or do them at once! It all depends on your #fitness level. Planks are a sensational exercise for core strengthening. They engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously and can give you a tighter mid section, improved posture, flexibility, and balance, a better mood, and less back pain. It helps me so much!!!! Let's get planking ๐Ÿ˜ƒ XxDani Your 365 Fitness Food Motivator



Your 365 Fitness Food Motivator