Kelly Slater talks about Fitness, Food and his Chia Shop
This time last year I went to a birthday party, a superfood I love so much turned 10 years old! and I met some amazing people. Chia is a staple ingredient in our pantry and I am sure most of you have had some experience with this superfood. It's jam packed with antioxidants and has the nutritional punch to kick start your day. So when I landed The Chia Co. ambassador Kelly Slater who shares with us his Fitness Food and Chia ethos, I was over the moon! My hubby admires this man so much not only for surfing abilities but for his business prowess. Kelly is currently here in Australia competing in the Quicksilver Pro up on the Gold Coast. So it's my absolute pleasure to introduce to you today, 11 times world surfing champion Kelly Slater.
- When did you first become passionate about eating well?
As I got to my teenage years and my early 20s I really became conscious of what I was eating. I never really drew the correlation between my diet and my health. I took it for granted when I was younger. As I got older and started traveling around the world and competing as a professional I became really on top of my eating and reading about diets and foods and the effects of that. Beyond that I have had friends and family who have been either sick or died from a lot of diseases. My father died of cancer 11 years ago. All those situations made me become passionate about my health
- Is staying informed about health and nutrition important to you ongoing?
Definitely. A lot of my friends make fun of me for being so informed about things and going overboard. Now my friends and family ask me when they have something wrong with them. I take that as a badge of honour.
- How do you maintain your healthy lifestyle when you’re traveling and away from home so often?
It’s definitely challenging when I spend so much time on planes and on the road. When I’m shopping, I read every ingredient panel of everything I buy. I think it is hugely important. I couldn’t understand why someone wouldn’t want to!Getting a big variety of different foods – which include protein, fibre and healthy fats – also helps me to feel my best if I’m not in my usual routine.
- In 2013 you visited Western Australia and saw chia being grown in the Kimberley region. What was that like?
I learned about local area, the water, the dry and wet seasons. But I was most impressed by the passion the farmers had for the product. They love the plants and what they are producing. That’s the story to me, how much passion goes into the product and the passion that goes into this seed. Especially something that these farmers probably had never heard of and now their whole farm is just chia. It’s so interesting to hear them talk about it and the passion they have for it and the effect it has on people and this local area. This is a product that is going worldwide and that is super healthy for people and you can tell it’s an honour for them to be growing this plant.
- What does being an Ambassador for The Chia Co mean to you?
I don’t work with things I’m not passionate about and that don’t have a place in my life. I don’t just stamp my name on things. I like to work with people who have similar visions as me. Food for me is about being able to know what it is I’m working with, where it’s coming from, and being able to know more about it so I can educate people more about it.
- How did you come across chia?
I’ve been eating chia for a number of years. It has become a staple for me. I often make almond milk and soak chia overnight and that’s my breakfast. I notice when I have that in the morning I don’t need anything else. I’ll get to mid-day and not really be hungry and have a lot of energy. I just feel good.
- How do you usually start your day?
If I know the waves are going to be good or I’m on a trip, I’m excited and I know I’m going to have good surf, I can’t help myself and I get up early. I have too much adrenaline!
- You have been crowned the ASP World Tour Champion title 11 times. What’s the secret to your endurance, mentally and physically?
Beyond watching what I put in my body as a professional athlete and constantly looking for that edge, I think it’s important to never take your health and strength for granted.
Here's a cute video of Kelly serving Chia Pods from his own beach side Chia Shop!
A MASSIVE thank you to Kelly, his management team and The Chia Co. for this opportunity, good luck at Snapper Rocks and competing for your 12th title. You'll nail it and please come and visit us again soon.
What about you? What's your favourite chia recipe? Click here to find out mine.