Friday Fitspo Beach Workout With Active Weekends
Wowza!!! What a sensational day 😍 Met Amanda my PT for another wicked Friday Fitness Group session with some local Mums. If you too want to join us for a weekend away please book here.
Here's our interval beach workout;
10 metre sprint
20 lunges
10 metre sprint
30 star jumps
10 metre sprints
20 sit ups
10 metre sprint
30 squat jumps
10 metre sprint
30 mountain climbers
10 metre sprint
20 burpees
My adrenalin is still pumping but I'm also very tired and heading to bed early tonight. We have friends and family coming over tomorrow for Grand Final, our new October Water Challenge starts plus I need to pack for our 10 day cruise to New Caledonia for Monday.
Super excited!!! Have a sensational weekend.
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