Banana Smoothie Leftover Muffins
Happy Saturday. During the week I had a whole heap of smoothie mixture left over so I saved it for an afternoon snack for the kids after school and created these babies.
Banana Cinnamon Smoothie Muffins
Ingredients (smoothie mixture)
1-2 cups of cooked porridge
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2-3 cups of your preferred milk
1tsp vanilla essence
Blend all the above ingredients until all combined and enjoy as your breakfast smoothie and use the left over mixture for your future muffins.
For the muffin mix I simply added a 1/4 cup coconut (or you can use macadamia oil) 1-2 cups of your preferred flour, 1tsp baking soda (if you like them fluffy) and mix until you get a muffin consistency.
NB: if it's too wet add more flour, if it's too dry add a splash of milk.
Bake in preheated 170-180C degrees oven until golden brown and serve to the people you love the most. Our kids love these after school and they're fantastic for their lunch boxes too!
Happy weekend and check out our week here;
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